Instant Pot 15 Minute Taco Soup / Tortilla Soup Recipe Pressure Cooker

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and 15 minutes to make the best taco soup (tortilla soup) ever. Buy your Instant Pot on Amazon with this link: Get a Instant Pot cookbook …

28 replies
  1. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    I was searching for instant pot taco soup recipes and found your video. Nice job! I use ranch style beans…that's what we do here in Texas. Thanks for sharing the video

  2. Joe King
    Joe King says:

    Really enjoyed your video. You gave me a great idea, I would skip the cheese if making soup. But, I love the idea of using the cheese to make a dip, and use those corn chip dipper chips would be great. So many of my friends do not eat beef. Now I have a party dip.

  3. Tana Lee
    Tana Lee says:

    I DID IT! With time for pressure to come up, it took a shade over 30 minutes. DELICIOUS!

    I purchased ingedients at Safeway. The canned goods were each 2/$3. With the cheese (8 oz), chicken breasts (2 lbs, but I only used 1lb), and Scoop Tostitos, my total bill was just short of $31. Except for needing more cheese, I could make this again. It made a LOT of soup. Breaking it down per serving, it turned out to be quite affordable.

    My friend was full before her two scoops of soup was gone, but she loved it so much, she kept eating til the end. She said to tell you and your friend that she LOVED it. : )

    Thanks, Van!

  4. Tana Lee
    Tana Lee says:

    Omg…I just watched this again. (I think I'm going to try it this week.) That soup was still STEAMING! How on earth did you not scald your mouth???? Or is your next video "How to bandaid your tongue"? : )

  5. Southern Food Junkie
    Southern Food Junkie says:

    I love taco soup! I need to make it again, I hadn't made it in a good while. Thanks for sharing and reminding me 🙂 We always made ours with beef but the chicken sounds good. I will have to try it that way.

  6. Fumasterchu
    Fumasterchu says:

    Looks delicious brother, we love tortilla soup. I got my wife an instant pot a few years ago and have since bought her another larger one. They are very good and now we are using an air fryer a lot too. Thanks for the yummy video😋.


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