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20 replies
  1. Stephanie Simmons
    Stephanie Simmons says:

    Thank you for being so transparent with us. My body also doesn’t tolerate carbs well so total carbs is when I started to see the weight come off and even more so when I lowered fat and raised protein! Im now 4lbs from my short term goal and about 30 from my total goal! I’m so loving the person you are evolving to and how self aware you are now. I can’t wait for your Fall series !❤️

  2. Ky
    Ky says:

    Keto is good for short term weight loss but intuitive eating is best for life long happiness. You can maintain weight with intuitive eating too 😉

  3. Lou Ferguson
    Lou Ferguson says:

    Thank you for sharing this. This is what I needed to hear. There are roots of pain we all have that we have to dig up to get better. I want to learn how to love me too. I want to change my focus to health and not those stupid numbers. You are a very special person.

  4. MistyMieMe
    MistyMieMe says:

    I lost one of my favorite Aunts to cancer last week. She was only 66 and that alone is helping snap me back into why I started this lifestyle. We only get this one body and we have to take care of it best we can. Thank you for being such an inspiration 💕

  5. Stephanie Fox
    Stephanie Fox says:

    Just as I was contemplating restarting keto and jumping back on your channel to build my motivation… on Thursday morning of 9/16, I had a heart attack. I was rushed to our local heart hospital via ambulance, two days before my 54th birthday.
    I truly believe the story that sometimes God throws a brick at you. Not meant to hurt you but to steer you in a better direction. I am so greatfull for this. On Saturday, 9/18, my 54th birthday I was released to go home to rest and recover with my family.
    Yes Danielle. My sweet friend you are right about so so many things and I am so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community. I feel so connected and comfortable here. You’re a few months ahead of me on our Life’s New Journey but I’m right behind you babe. Fighting for Stephanie every step of the way and will always have your back. Much love beautiful lady ❤️‍🩹

  6. Zen Kahlo
    Zen Kahlo says:

    My therapist told me today I am not manic I am depressed and anxiety is causing my insomnia. So we are playing take one head med away start another drill.he ⚠️ me of side effects involving my brain 🧠 and my body. Oh goody I can't wait. At least he isn't pushing more meds and understands I only want to take bare min of meds. I find it "humorous" that my family that have no doctor much less a therapist want to talk smack to me about I'm "crazy" but 2 of them are narcissistic gaslighters. I have an imaginary giant Denial mirror I "roll out" so I can ask them can you see clearly? Perhaps if they removed their heads….they could have a little insight? I work EVERY DAY to improve my life and the world in general. I am not a fan of judgemental self absorbed greedy selfish people. That's for the saucy sauce! I totally agree about calorie deficits. You are wonderful beautiful inside and out human who make a difference to many people. Love to you the fam and Benny

  7. Keto Stylin with Shannon
    Keto Stylin with Shannon says:

    Great video! I have gone up and down in weight all my life. I finally found something that works for me in my 50s, which is keto. I definitely needed to get in the right mindset mentally. Love your videos! You’re very motivating!

  8. Anna Wilson
    Anna Wilson says:

    Hun you are on fire and so motivating! I can see you believe in yourself and I believe in you as well! Your hair is gorgeous girl! You are model material! Keep these videos coming! & Thank you for all the motivation!! 😊

  9. Kelly Green
    Kelly Green says:

    So an proud of the woman u have become lately. U DO NOT REALIZE HOW MUCH U HELP ALL OF US THAT ARE UR TRUE FOLLOWERS. Who needs therapy when we can just watch these videos. U teach us so much sis, thank u…. Keep it up. You look fantastic Danielle on the outside but you've become even more beautiful on the inside. That means more than anything. LOVE WHAT UR DOING. U GOT THIS!!!!!😘😘😘

  10. Festus’s Mom
    Festus’s Mom says:

    Girly, I don’t know about the inches or the pounds but toning up really makes a difference! You look way smaller! 💋🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🇺🇸
    I’ve discovered the old oopsie or cloud bread and have been doing so well for the last couple of weeks. After its refrigerated and I go to heat it up, 10 seconds in the microwave and it acts like a wrap or if I brown it in a pan with a smear of butter I can use it as sandwich bread.. I made an egg McMuffin with it the other day. 💋🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🇺🇸


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