Improvisation | The French Chef Season 4 | Julia Child

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Julia Child presents short-order cooking the French way. About the French Chef: Cooking legend and cultural icon Julia Child, …

20 replies
  1. Brian Hudson
    Brian Hudson says:

    I have no problem with instant mashed potatoes. I just heat up some good stock, half/half, butter, and garlic and that's it. I promise that not one person complains, and NONE are left in the bowl.

  2. J Elsner
    J Elsner says:

    My mother never used instant mashed potatoes, but we must have had them two or three times a week. They probably would've made her life a lot easier. I keep instant potatoes in my pantry as an emergency. I would never serve them at a party, but they come in handy when you're rushed.

  3. Antonio Broccoli Porto
    Antonio Broccoli Porto says:

    Oh God…mom made me transcribe all those shows onto a piece of paper…she was a wig maker that brought her work home so her hands were occupied while she worked with her crocheted needle on the lace. So I was her secretary. I love Julia because she reminds me of my mom’s love for cooking.

  4. hans Miller
    hans Miller says:

    In Germany we had "Pfanny Puree" wich my mother used also on Sundays to save time.
    She enriched it also with Butter and whole Milk until she passed the pot over to me to stir with, Yes a wooden Spoon.
    And I, as a little Boy, stirred and stirred and stirred and stirred UNTIL Mother said Stop, took the Pot, wrapped it in a towel and put the Pot into Bed to keep the Puree hot!

    I still put boiled, ready potatoes nicely wrapped under the Bed Blanket. Saves Energy and you have time for other chores in the Kitchen!


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