I’M MAKING DIET CHANGES let’s chat! | What I Eat In A Day for Weight Loss *calories included*

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lowcaloriedensity #weightlossmeals #easyweightloss The day I filmed this video there were only 65 days left in the year, now we …

25 replies
  1. Karen Armstrong
    Karen Armstrong says:

    This is great timing! I was just out walking thinking "I'll get really serious about my eating in January" But you are right -we still have plenty of days left in this year to make a difference! Thanks for the reminder. Always love your recipes and your positive attitude 🙂

  2. Colleen C
    Colleen C says:

    I love that you constantly look at your program and retweak it. Keeps you moving forward and making progress!
    I have used that protein powder (then stopped making smoothies). I bought the exact same thing at Costco. They put in on sale every 2-3 months – like $8 off a 30 day supply! That is a great deal. 😊

  3. Rena Wren
    Rena Wren says:

    Hey, friend! I have been feeling that funkiness lately, too! I have a history of seasonal depression and it helps me to have goals to focus on during this time of year! Also, Courtney and I are happy to have your subscribers join our group for info and accountability. We appreciate you, M!

  4. Beachblondesummer
    Beachblondesummer says:

    Miranda this is exactly what I need too. I’ve been in a funk too and want to be successful to the end of the year. Yes give us updates! I would love as this feels like I can join along and I can be accountable too. Thanks so much for your motivation, I love your channel! ❤️

  5. Randi Johnson
    Randi Johnson says:

    My birthday is in March. I'll be turning 37, and I kind of want to be down 37 by 37. But food consistency- especially right now is so tough. We have a big family, so Thanksgiving will actually cover 3 days. Our Christmas will actually span over 4. 🙈 I've been bumping up my protein, but I need to track just so I can stay on track, but tracking annoys me. It's just so tedious for my attention span. 😵‍💫

  6. Agirl
    Agirl says:

    I’m not a coffee drinker, I do enjoy herbal tea some mornings since I stay away from caffeine, but usually love just water in the morning. If I do well, and strictly stay plant based, I don’t get hangry, just hungry. If I stray to the junk/fast food, then I start getting hangry. It’s neat to hear how different people are. Great video!! 😊

  7. apple369
    apple369 says:

    Citrus in your green smoothie not only tastes yum but it also helps your body absorb some of the nutrients, such as iron. Whenever I see clementine oranges on sale I buy a bunch, peel 'em, pop 'em in the freezer, and toss them in my green smoothies. Thanks for another great video, Miranda!

  8. Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful says:

    Miranda I always get tempted to buy more groceries than what I need and your video keeps me in check. You always make do with minimal ingredients which I love. I have a long way to go until I reach where you have reached. Congratulations to you both btw for the tesla. I think you both deserve all the happiness that life has to offer you and to celebrate these amazing milestones 🍾 🥂 🎉 🤗❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ love you girl!

  9. Betty Horn
    Betty Horn says:

    I understand. I do much better with programs. If left to myself, I don't accomplish nearly as much as I hope to. I tweak everything, but need a program to begin with. Thanks for all your suggestions!


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