I'm glad I decided to go ahead and do it!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

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36 replies
  1. Larissa Maloney
    Larissa Maloney says:

    There’s never a time that I want to cook a recipe and I have all the ingredients (I have a very small space) but when I do, it’s the GREATEST feeling ever!!!! 😂 💗

  2. Sara McAchran
    Sara McAchran says:

    I'm so glad Josh is getting through the shyness if only so we can really see what's going on. I know it must be just impossible to film without having to make an appearance! And we appreciate getting to come along on this journey ❤️

  3. Love Rizzato
    Love Rizzato says:

    Stove liners especially for gas stoves are invaluable!! Will save you a ton of headache when cleaning and when you remove them the stove still looks brand new.

  4. M NK
    M NK says:

    I've been watching you for the past year and I just wanted to let you know you guys are soo cute and amazing! My fiance and I dream of having our own like you guys do! one day! Plus the gardening a canning stuff you share has taught me so much for when we can finally do this. I started taking notes from your channel 🤣🤣

  5. DARRELL Kottal
    DARRELL Kottal says:

    WOW why are you dressed like you are going to "the North 40" in the middle of the summer? I live in Florida, and it is 100 degrees today!!! not to mention the humidity .. Love your videos so informative not to mention your husband he is a powerhouse of skills and so are you .. cannot wait to see the end product of your new home

  6. Melissa M
    Melissa M says:

    I love a gas/propane oven over electric any day! You will love it!
    The heat is so easy to control. I miss it terribly!
    Hubby is trying to figure out a way for me to have a propane/gas stove but it hasn’t happened yet. Bless him.

  7. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I have noticed that gas/propane takes a little longer then electric – especially baking. But always add a little more time and keep checking it until you figure out your own oven!! 🙂

  8. Amy Kinder
    Amy Kinder says:

    I just came across your videos and I just wanted to say that I love your channel. I’m always checking for new videos to see how far that you’ve got on the new house, while watching all the older ones that I haven’t seen.

  9. Karen Boyd
    Karen Boyd says:

    Just want to say that I am happy that you and your husband decided to give him camera time too. I know when you first began he seemed shy :D, but you are a great team!

  10. db33400
    db33400 says:

    We have used Kilz many times and it works great. Covered up some nasty nasty cat stains which were extremely strong smell. God's blessings.

  11. Linda Ray
    Linda Ray says:

    @Acre Homestead Becky and Josh
    I was worried when you said you bought KILZ. But when you told us you hadn't opened the windows, I all but cried. Here's why. I got so sick I spent a year in an electric wheelchair during a construction project. Watch out for headaches Becky. Watch out for unexplained,unusual fatigue, lack of energy, muscle weakness, having trouble with easy numbers or losing words. And pease, PLEASE, be more careful. Read the labels on stuff you use. Ventilate, ventilate ventilate and wear a respirator when using that stuff and other products. I don't want ANYONE to go through what I did. I am still dealing with long term consequences. Be careful.
    I love what you are doing and watching you two manage.

  12. Nicole Willoughby
    Nicole Willoughby says:

    There is a "fun" learning curve. The one I had to cook with in college… I burned a lot of stuff… but the one I have now, it was a lot easier to figure out. The one I have now was brand new in 2019 (when we moved into our house). The one in college was OLD! That one looks new so it should be easier 🙂

  13. Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor says:

    I remember when Josh did not want to be in your videos, and lately he's been in all of them haha! But it's fun to see how you guys interact with each other. I'm so glad you guys can work together as a team. Some couples have a hard time working together, and I've always been glad that my husband and I work well together. It's probably my favorite thing about our relationship.

  14. Retro Flowers
    Retro Flowers says:

    Gas ovens are soooo much better than electric. You can control the temperature much easier. They are so handy when the power goes out. I grew up in an area that has lots of hurricanes and storms. Gas ovens are a must!

  15. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    My tip is don't get rid of the propane oven given the grid going down more and more often. Not sure if it's a propane bottle one as I've never seen one but good to have options

  16. Amanda Rawlings
    Amanda Rawlings says:

    I just giggled when you got back from the farmer's market with a little hitchhiker on your collar (11:20 mark)! Us gardeners barely even notice there is a bug on us and even when we do notice, we don't mind 😃 I love your progress so far, can't wait til you start working on the landscaping!


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