I’m Done! Planner No Buy

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37 replies
  1. @wondawomenluvsupaman
    @wondawomenluvsupaman says:

    Over the years I have become more and more overwhelmed by the planner market and so much that has become available, but more so from plannertube and those who switch planners every five seconds and it makes me feel like I need to as well. I have been moving more towards just a bullet journal and keeping it very simple, and kid of tuning out of the planner market. But I do get my fix by just admiring everyone else’s but understanding that I do not need it. Crochet is a way that I manage my anxiety and what I do is ask for crochet kits christmas, birthday and mother’s day so I don’t spend to much on it myself.

  2. @thepensiveplanner
    @thepensiveplanner says:

    Oh my gosh, Sam, this is exactly where I am at right now! I am also implementing a no planner/stationery spend challenge for 2024 so that I can get through my massive supply of pens and stickers and washi tape and fountain pen ink , etc. I am shocked at how much I spent in 2023 on these items. I have enough to last me the rest of my life. 2024 is the year I declutter. My motto is "be content with what you have" and my word of the year is Simplify. I am tired of the stress I feel by all the stuff. Thank you so much for posting this video (I will probably rewatch it several times before the end of 2024). I will be right there with you on this journey.

  3. @becca4everinjoy
    @becca4everinjoy says:

    I get it! the struggle is real! Oh yeah! I related to everythng you spoke about. Please give us updates. I started my weight loss and no spend journey on Dec 1. The caveat my journey was long time in coming, and helped by circumstances: a full hysterectomy on Dec 1 at the lovely age of 67, and being a single woman who will have to work till her deathbed unless I change the story 😄

  4. @suburbohemian
    @suburbohemian says:

    I have found that if I simply put a thing in my cart and walk around a while, that putting it in the cart was enough. Then when I intentionally put it back again, I feel good about maintaining my boundaries and prioroties. If I still think I want it, provided there are plenty more, I put it back with the idea I'll swing by again in a few…and often, I forget about it entirely by then. If I still think about it, I wait another two days. If I still want it by then, I go get it. Sometimes I later discover that the thing I got was something someone else I know really would like or need, and then I give it away, seeing myself as merely the foster shopper while it waits for its forever home, lol.

  5. @ellenstam-mulder3002
    @ellenstam-mulder3002 says:

    decluttering your home it's gonna help you. what you can do is a savings 100 enveloppe challenge where you want to save and that you want any penny goes to that challenge.that's gonna help you to. a shopping problem is a big problem. so i am proud on you that you gonna a do it a no buy. go for it. you can do it.

  6. @journalsandjuju
    @journalsandjuju says:

    Hello again, yes no buy is pretty much the way to go I also have a shopping collection "issue" it does not matter what it is but if I get into something it has to be many of the something! 😉 I reminded myself these are all things I want not need so I can do without it.
    So I stopped purchasing planners then fountain pens and then it became easier to just watch a video without wanting to purchase whatever was being shown or unboxed and as far as being on social media I have cut that down quite a bit too. I use my TN planner which is my ole tried and true, I just get less expensive inserts on amazon when I need one.
    For me it was trying to fill a void and now I fill it with less useless things and more time with God, family time, exercise and home activities. What I am happy about is the time I spend reading especially the bible.
    Wishing you a wonderful and blessed New Year!

  7. @kishia1832
    @kishia1832 says:

    We are kindred spirits! I have been doing emotional shopping for the last 1.5 years since being re-introduced to journaling/planning. I’ve been spending money that I have (and don’t have) on stuff I could honestly have done without. I have wasted a lot of time being consumed by the time this hobby takes from other things/people. I have been such a glut, but I am going to stop, too. I’m glad we are coming to our senses. I am not going to justify spending another dollar at a stationary shop for a while. I hope you are successful in your endeavors.

  8. @jennygrimm4969
    @jennygrimm4969 says:

    I am joining the no buy year for some very specific areas. Planners and all office supplies. I've purchased numerous planners in one year. Each one is used for a couple of months and then I see something I think I like better. Unfortunately, this cycle is repeated a few months later. Office supplies are also something I don't need to purchase for at least ten years. There isn't a pen, index card, or Post it Note that I can ignore. Zero Waste products are my new passion. Is it waste when I purchase way more than I need? I've unsubscribed from all YouTube channels trying to sell me something. No more printable templates, teas, or t-shirts. I wish everyone the best of luck with their 2024 goals.

  9. @Tiffany-lo6hc
    @Tiffany-lo6hc says:

    Im so happy to have watched this! The level of consumerism in the hobbies i enjoy (reading, knitting, planning) is just truly overboard, so i fully support this. Spending like this is death by a thousand cuts.

    Working with yarn (i knit) while listening to an audiobook is a way better replacement. I quit Reddit earlier this year and still kept picking up my phone for no reason? So now i get to listen to a book and make something cool.

    PS I'd recommend deleting all your virtual cards that make online shopping way too easy. If you physically have to go get the card it's a nice barrier that gives you a chance to think.

  10. @xoSilverSurfer
    @xoSilverSurfer says:

    I appreciate your vulnerability in this video. I think we can all relate in some degree. I did a no-buy in Spring 2023 and it was the best thing for me after spending way too much in Fall 2022 – Winter 2023. Now, I have a system that I am super consistent with, and have curbed my spending significantly. Wishing you the best of luck, you can do this!!!! 🤍

  11. @kenshinnotifani
    @kenshinnotifani says:

    As someone who has gone on no-buys and low-buys, watch yourself very hard for transference. When I stopped buying makeup, I started buying skincare. When I figured it out and stopped buying skincare, I was hyper-fixating on scrapbooking.
    I personally do very well with a limited budget. Instead of telling myself absolutely not and potentially rebelling, I have to decide whether or not buying something is worth my limited budget.

  12. @BlushnBlue
    @BlushnBlue says:

    This year I did a low-buy and I had to get over the fact that there wasn't going to be anything in the mail waiting for me. That was the hardest part. But, that is when you know it's a problem….lol. Addiction to happy mail is real. I heard or read somewhere to replace a bad habit with a habit that you want to develop. Example, if I find myself on Jetpens then I need to stop scrolling and read a certain amount of pages (Because I want to read not spend). So I plan to increase my reading skills for 2024. Therefore, I plan to do a low-buy for the whole year.

    You are absolutely right about the amount of time thinking about what to buy or use! I probably could have been even a speed reader at this point if I took that time and applied it to good.

    Here's to increased reading of a good book and The Good Book (Bible) throughout 2024.

    Much Blessings.

  13. @StampedAF
    @StampedAF says:

    Thank you for sharing! I struggle with overspending and everything that you said resonated especially when you were talking about “the thing” completing you or changing your life and then it arrives and it is just another thing. So true!!

  14. @nikkimouse97
    @nikkimouse97 says:

    I agree strongly with this comment section, this video resonates so much and is exactly the final push I needed! It’s so affirming to know others feel so strongly about this topic, and I especially appreciate the mentioning of triggers that cause a purchase and mindful ways to bring the chances of that happening down.

  15. @heartofwool
    @heartofwool says:

    Just wanted to drop you a note of solidarity… I am also doing a fairly strict no buy in 2024 due to run-away spending habits. I too am not used to denying myself and find it difficult to just appreciate something for its beauty without needing to also possess it. My knitting craft is the worst offender, but other aspects of my life are certainly not exempt. Unfortunately, I likely will also have to take a break from social media because the scroll-hole is usually the catalyst for my spending… I find it easiest to avoid rather than resist. I think you've done a phenomenal job at identifying your triggers and other ways to spend your time… one additional thing that I'm going to try is to identify healthy activities that will give me the dopamine/serotonin hit I'm craving when I'm stressed or anxious and want to spend, like going for a walk outside or listening to a favorite song or snuggling a pet. I'll be cheering you on throughout this upcoming year!

  16. @sjplanslife
    @sjplanslife says:

    thank you for this video!!! truly speaks to what i've been feeling these past few weeks – almost to the point where I began to hate planning and felt overwhelmed by everything i've hoarded over the years. i'm the same with getting into spending frenzy fixations!! anyways, thank you!! solidified how i've been feeling!

  17. @agnese.salamcreative
    @agnese.salamcreative says:

    I have been mercilessly unsubscribing for emails, they do that to me too. And you are right to be careful with crochet: it is awesome but – as all craft, and certainly yarn ones – supplies are £££. although I don't think a no buy is for me, but this is definitely inspiring me to take practical steps to really keep my stationery purchases to a minimum!

  18. @cynthiaakacyndsmith6539
    @cynthiaakacyndsmith6539 says:

    I just subscribed, you are singing my song! This is awesome. I have tons of all sorts for planners, card making, journal creating and making.. goods. I need to use them and not keep tossing money in the hole to try to fix things.. DOING stuff will fix it all. I too have calmed a not spend on paper/ink/sticker things.

  19. @brightyell0wgun
    @brightyell0wgun says:

    Learning crochet can be very dangerous haha It's such a fun and relaxing hobby and I love it! But then you'll start finding all kinds of cool yarns you'll want, and patterns, and crochet hooks…
    it's a dangerous slope hahah I'm saying this from experience!
    This video is so relateable!!! My shoppinig and spending habits are just like yours and I really need to do this same sort of thing next year! Thank you for making this video 🙂


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