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What I eat in a day on WW blue plan! OMG it feels so good to be back! I was a little nervous weighing in but I’m so happy I went to my workshop and did! Feeling …

22 replies
  1. Jane Chafin
    Jane Chafin says:

    I want to work out as you do, and you help me so much with food choices..BTW if I may ask how tall are you? You look so thin and I cannot believe you weigh more than me, I'm 5' 4 and look fat LOL…You are so organized and I'm trying to be exactly like you Honest.

  2. Dear Bōss
    Dear Bōss says:

    Congratulations Felicia! Your'e doing great esp after giving birth 🙂 i gave up meat, lost over 12kg (27pounds) weight and feel so much better!  eating plant foods, for me has helped a lot, on my journey.

  3. Nicole Mintz
    Nicole Mintz says:

    Omg I just had a heart attack. I’m home alone and I’m housesitting and I was at 11:43ish and I heard your son or something make a noise in the background I thought that was being made in the house I’m in and my heart stopped for a second 😂

  4. Wendy Verdin
    Wendy Verdin says:

    You look great!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's hard a postpartum, hormones and everything going on, don't make you look things clearly, but trust me you look great, don't be stressed, you're so blessed for having a new baby. ❤️

  5. Tiffany Taylor
    Tiffany Taylor says:

    Weight watchers is a joke. You might lose weight temporarily but you’ll always have to go back and not to mention your body on the inside will be breaking down from the poisonings you eat

  6. garden gnome
    garden gnome says:

    Another super quick and done meal is black beans drained feom can with rotisserie chicken breast (sams has cooked breast only in their meal area) chop up cooked chicken and cauliflower rice microwave for 2 minutes and done. I put herdez salsa verde on top…alot of it and you could add velveeta slice or shredded cheese with an ole plain tortilla .wrap. these can be easily portioned and frozen to pull as needed. Also pasta and rice can be frozen in ziploc bags and pulled as needed so that could be one step done.

  7. Farmhouse Girl
    Farmhouse Girl says:

    Hey girl!! So glad your back . You inspired me to start WW a long time ago, I started a channel and I make WW Recipes wanting to help others also and give them ideas for meals. I you should try my Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas!! They are sooooo good! I always watch your videos , you inspire me!!! Come see my recipes and see what you think ! I’m “Farmhouse Girl” on YouTube ! By the way your baby is precious ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  8. Shay Waff
    Shay Waff says:

    Oh my gosh I feel like I had a baby with you… I stopped tracking around the time you found out you were pregnant and got back on 2 weeks ago! Anyways I'm glad your back in the tracking game! You're such a motivation for me!


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