Ignoring my WIPs for a Granny Square Blanket + Crochet Biz Q&A [Crochet Vlog Thingy]

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There’s nothing like that new project feeling. Let’s ignore our WIPs and start something new together, shall we? Thank you to Wool …

33 replies
  1. TL Yarn Crafts
    TL Yarn Crafts says:

    Hello my loves! Glad you're all enjoying the less polished side of TLYC 🙂 More videos like this will be coming your way. In the meantime, I've added the Hooked by Robin tutorial and the cake recipe to the Description. Have the best day! xoxo

  2. Linda Major
    Linda Major says:

    I am really struggling with working with cotton. I'm used to acrylic where it stretches. I joined the crochet Academy and I bought all the yarn from Lion Brand and I'm really struggling in making any of the projects. My Chains look awful and so do my stitches their uneven some are tight some are loose, especially with the Tunisian crochet. I'm getting very discouraged can you please help.

  3. Faith Rich Fidler
    Faith Rich Fidler says:

    I loved this weird and chaotic video. It caters to my life … which happens to be weird and chaotic. Thanks for producing quality tutorials, as well as truly entertaining content. Even your passionate content (women/people of color) never comes across as aggressive or divisive. Kudos to a person of integrity.

  4. Laurel Robbins
    Laurel Robbins says:

    I wanted to tell you my funny banana bread story real quickly. I mashed the bananas, mixed the ingredients and put it in the oven. When I turned around, I saw my bowl of mashed bananas still sitting on the counter! Oops!

  5. Laurel Robbins
    Laurel Robbins says:

    Thank you for writing such lovely patterns, Toni! Also thank you for sharing your content with us. When I first learned to crochet, there was a small group of us who would get together to crochet and knit, and I miss that a lot. My biggest pet peeve – and I know I’m not alone – is when the sentence starts with “if I buy you the yarn, will you make me…”! I mean – really – is my time worth zero? I don’t think so!

  6. Laura Hauser
    Laura Hauser says:

    Can you recommend a ball winder? Do I go for the fiber artist expensive one or not? Swift do I go with the fiber artist one with metal or stanwood one with just dowels? Thank you😊

  7. Donica Bryant
    Donica Bryant says:

    This video was so much fun to watch! 😁 Look forward to more of these in the future. A little bit of everything in a TLYarncrafts' day! Your granny square project turned out great. Pepper Doggy is so cute. I hope Sheba and Pepper get along eventually.

  8. AnnReAtHome
    AnnReAtHome says:

    Great video…enjoyed the Q&A and all the quirky. I loved the cake idea, I’ll have to try adding bananas…I also have some that need to be used. The blanket is beautiful and cotton is by far my favorite yarn. As much as I like it though, $19 is steep and I’m not sure I’ll be trying this yarn any time soon.

  9. Not too Old to be Crafty (Cecilia M)
    Not too Old to be Crafty (Cecilia M) says:

    I am so glad you went through with it and designed the Holiday Sampler Tunisian Blanket. I made is about 3 or 4 years ago and it is still on my sofa. You got my hooked on Tunisian Crochet. I did not use the correct yarn, but mine still came out exactly as I wanted it to be. Thank you for the bonus of the recipe – I have a Duncan Hines Carrot Cake box in my kitchen as well as 2 over ripe bananas, so I will be making it tomorrow. As you say, one tires of plain old banana bread (although it still remains a hit in my house. Take care and sending some crochet hugs.

  10. Summer Ruffini
    Summer Ruffini says:

    Love the blanket and love you Toni! I'm crocheting a granny square bag right now and I don't care if it's not trendy anymore! Question about the yarn, is it similar to the Knit Picks Wonderfluff? That yarn is soft cotton but really fluffy!

  11. Rachel Shaferly
    Rachel Shaferly says:

    I love your videos thank you for being a creator. I have a pomsky (husky pomeranian mix) she is a jealous beast when I pet my cats she constantly tries to get between me and the cat so I pet her instead. I would love a crochet a long video talking about your dog and how things have changed since having them apart of your family. Have a great day.

  12. Melode Gall
    Melode Gall says:

    I enjoyed this video!
    The "rug" looks like it ended up square. Would a longer beginning rectangle kept it more rectangular?
    Did you turn at the end of rounds as you recommend in Crochet Academy?

  13. Rosi
    Rosi says:

    Ok so first, thank you for introducing/ reminding me of a rectangle granny square! It will be placed on my long to do list project sheet . And secondly but most importantly, I love seeing this side of you. Thank you for sharing and opening up and showing your daily activity 😊 you may have recorded this type of video, but it was my first time seeing you in this light. Feeling right now like I’m a friend 😂🧶❤️

  14. MamaAndKate
    MamaAndKate says:

    My lil ADHD brain thanks you for this video. I do not have the attention span for sitting and watching a 30 minute video about 1 thing. Loved everything about this ❤😂

  15. ericabirdsong
    ericabirdsong says:

    HI! Love the channel. I have a question for you and I apologize if you have covered this before. I love this yarn you are showing here but $19 a skein? girl no. lol I am looking for a chunky cotton yarn! Do you have any in mind that's not an arm and leg? I am used to red heart super saver and caron by the pound type thickness. TIA!!!


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