If your bananas look like this, you don’t have to throw them away. Just make this recipe!

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INGREDIENTS: • 3 ripe bananas • 2 eggs • 150 g of sugar • 200 g of wheat flour • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon • 1 teaspoon of …

38 replies
  1. Heather Yearwood
    Heather Yearwood says:

    Oh Lord …..grant to me a figure like hers I would eat whipped cream with it …😂😂😂😂temptation levels rising to bursting point then bang what an anazing result

  2. Mirna E. Jiron
    Mirna E. Jiron says:

    😮Margarine? Noooo baby, don’t use that. You should never bake with margarine, use butter and then the flour. All that work and you didn’t use butter🙄 Google why you it’s bad to heat up margarine.

  3. Het van den Bergh
    Het van den Bergh says:

    We live on the South coast of South Africa in the province KwaZulu-Natal. The climate is perfect for growing bananas. After picking they ripen very fast and can look like the ones in the video. The insides will be white and the texture soft, and this is exactly what is needed to bake a super banana bread or ringcake like the one in the video. One can add less sugar, because being that ripe the flesh contains more sugar. And should you put ripe bananas in your fridge the peels turn black with perfectly white flesh. So stop being so negative and rather give the recipe a try. You might be pleasantly surprised.


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