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Why are so many people having problems with their food bill? Because they are buying the wrong things, at the wrong store, at the wrong time. I published my …

29 replies
  1. clothy
    clothy says:

    Fresh veg and meat have gone up though. It also means sale prices are going up to. Good for you that your store hasn't increased its prices (yet) but please don't insult peoples intelligence. Yes some people shop impulsivly but prices of basics are increasing.

  2. Charles Knight
    Charles Knight says:

    Another excellent and informative video from Prepper Princess!!! You are more than smart; you are wise. In the last year, you have really helped me rethink my grocery purchasing strategy; THANK YOU!!! You keep making videos and we’ll keep watching them!!! Me and mine wish you and yours all things great and good; take care, be safe, all my best and God bless!!! Chuck Knight from Buffalo, Texas. 🖖✝️🙏🤠💚👍👍

  3. Grand Catsmama
    Grand Catsmama says:

    I buy only generic brands at the Save A Lot, Aldi's, and Fresh Grocer. Went to pick up a senior box and they gave us two cases of eggs, a box of six grape jelly in squeezable containers, six jars of cranberry juice, then a couple of boxes of pouches of Beef Stew. Each one could feed three or four people easily. Then someone gave us a case of beef in gravy. We have enough food for several months even if the electricity goes out, we can cook the food. Watch The Provident Prepper, they show how to cook without gas or electric.

  4. linda williams
    linda williams says:

    I love Aldis store brand chips, theyre less than $1/bag. My hubby still shops at kroger, but i stalk food depot for meat deals. And gardening helps with veggie costs as well. Im getting over emergency surgery last tuesday, so no big garden this year, everything we are growing are in pots or buckets. But every little bit helps. We have freezers as well. My son does the same. It helps.

  5. Survivortech Harold
    Survivortech Harold says:

    Prices haven't skyrocketed here yet. I am sure it will go up but how much?? People live by what they are told not by thinking for themselves. being perceived as poor by others is more important than being thrifty.

  6. tweety
    tweety says:

    In my humble opinion I think the issue is not so much the prices but how well we are making that food product last or rationing our food/items. If it can last longer then we don't have to buy it that often. An example of this in pepper princess video she mentioned on the chicken breasts that she cuts them in half to make them last yes she is a single lady but I do agree with her that most people are not following, reading food labels serving size, or learning of the correct portions of food a person should be eating. if you get a food scale and a dietician/trainer to help you figure out your dietary/exercise needs you will be able to see the correct portions and food that you are suppose to be eating and be amazed how the food can last a little bit longer at first it may look like not enough food but once you eat it and get used to it you will get full and you will be happier with less trips to the grocery store.

  7. Ann Swann
    Ann Swann says:

    I do see an increase in prices — but I don’t buy it! There are still sales and you can get good prices but even sale prices are a bit higher. I used to get boneless chicken breast of 99 cents and now it’s bone in thighs are the 99 cent sale. Mostly I’ll wait and see if prices drop

  8. Susan Arthur
    Susan Arthur says:

    I recently found the bakery discount shelf at my store. They have it about as far from the bakery as it can go. It has allowed me to buy things that I normally wouldn’t as the markdown is always at least half, if not more. I shop at 6:30am on Sundays and get some screaming good deals! Love your posts!


    I agree that some of the increases are for convenience items but at my local walmart the box of 60 eggs has gone from $5.49 which was the absolute best bargain, to over $8 in the past few months. That is one example. Stores continue to have their weekly specials and if you shop smart and stick to your shopping plan you can still get the most for your money. One of the local stores in my area had a dozen eggs for $0.88 this week so I stocked up. I check the ads, make my list and plan my shopping trips in a way that is most practical and gas efficient. Three of the stores are a stone's throw away from each other and the 4th store is by my work, so I "bundle" my trips. Not hard to do at all but it takes planning and discipline. Some people prefer to shop at 1 store for convenience and don't even price compare or familiarize themselves with the price of the items they buy on a regular basis. How do they know prices are higher if they don't even know what prices used to be? It's a very personal choice.

  10. Marcia Bartch
    Marcia Bartch says:

    Completely disagree with your video. Food prices are going through the roof as a result of crops devastated by weather conditions.

    It would serve you well not to condescendingly tell your viewers how they’re doing everything wrong.

  11. Robin Kane
    Robin Kane says:

    My eggs I buy it for 100eggs for five bucks bread I get 10for ten butter six pounds of real butter six bucks I buy 12cans of any veggies fiftey cents a can my meat of any kind five for twenty bucks I go to my dollar store I buy my waters sodas 4/99 or three sodas of twelve breads r cheapi travel 75 miles to go to any store

  12. Xo_ Xo
    Xo_ Xo says:

    I'm gonna need- those who are, #BuyingFastFood, EVERY. DAMN. DAY.
    …to go to the "dollar store", find you 1 of those "jiffy" foil tins- (usually, there are "bread loaves", "turkey pans", etc-

    ..go get you- your FAVORITE "sandwhich"- from a "fast food" place.
    Stick that "sam-mich" into the pan & LEAVE. IT. THERE.
    5 YEARS!

    There's a guy, that stuck a "McD's Burger", into a tin- and for 20 yrs-
    ….IT. DID. NOT. "MOLD".

    …THAT, IS- the type of "sh!t"- YOU, ARE putting- IN TO YOUR "body"!

    Damn. Duh!
    ..and you WONDER "WHY?" YOU, "look" the WAY, YOU do!🤦‍♀️🤯
    Ignorance, maaaayn!

  13. Lu's Northern Home
    Lu's Northern Home says:

    That’s not true . Chicken breast has gone from $1.29 a pound to $3.49 . This is just one example here. Perhaps your area has not increased. I bought 7 apples they were 6.98 . It’s like that every where.

  14. Dana Sundari
    Dana Sundari says:

    Aldi wheat & white bread – 75 cents a loaf. I we have a 'day old bread' store that charges 50 cents a loaf! They even have a cart where you can get bread for 35 cents per loaf!
    Eggs are $1.03 / doz (up from 78 cents last year). Avocados? Wait until they go on sale for 39 cents each! I would NEVER pay $2 (or more for an avocado!)
    Dollar Tree has mustard for….wait for it! …. grin Speaking of Dollar Tree! Aldi sells their black pepper for $2.65 a tin. Dollar Tree sells the EXACT SAME SIZE TIN for…..wait for it…. I can buy 3 tins of black pepper for (nearly) the same price as ONE tin at Aldi!

  15. Kim Smith
    Kim Smith says:

    I live alone with a cat. My dinner was $2.50 and his was 65 cents. I can't complain to be honest. I buy wheatgrass for him. It's 7.99 at the pet food store but 4.99 at the grocery store. Last for a month and I could easily grow it if I wasn't lazy. I live in Florida and I don't have a problem shopping. You need to study the ads. I only buy what's on sale for myself. Keeps things interesting. As long as your baby eats, he doesn't care what it costs lol. He's acting like a cat today


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