If you have 2 EGGS and 2 tablespoons OF OATS, make this recipe! Healthy and cheap food! | #26

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Please turn on Captions. “CC” This recipe is perfect for breakfast. Easy and quick to prepare meal. INGREDIENTS: – 2 eggs – 2 tablespoons of oats – 1 …

43 replies
  1. Zahra Ali
    Zahra Ali says:

    I make this often . I don’t use milk. I soak the oats in water and add the eggs and instead of the cheese I use vegetables like shredded carrots and chopped capsicum , a pinch of salt and bake it . I tried once and it is my favorite breakfast now . So delicious

  2. Crystal Edson
    Crystal Edson says:

    I this a cheap recipe and does it only include 2 eggs and 2 spoons of oats?
    Please change your misleading title. Those of us not having those other ingredients were looking for something quick and easy + affordable to make with only those two ingredients given.
    Stop fooling ppl. I will not try this recipe because it misleads me to think I could me this – only to find out afterwards half of the rest I do not have.
    What a waste
    those who do have those
    please try
    I ofc was misled and will not try it.

  3. Denise Kramer
    Denise Kramer says:

    ANOTHER deceptive title to get you to view their video. But I actually made a little pan cake out of just 2TBS oatmeal and 2 eggs. You have to beat them eggs really good till they foam up and ya need a bit of oil in the fry pan. Not too bad could be a staple food during the zombie apocalypse.

  4. Dianne Wallace
    Dianne Wallace says:

    And here's an additional benefit: never worry again about bills or pandemics or anything else cause you'll be DEAD! You eat two eggs and oil and a tablespoon of cheese every day and your arteries will be plugged up. Good-bye!


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