IF It Feels So Good To Eat Right, Why Do We Go Back To Junk?

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This week was about getting my food in my life back on track. Eating such delicious and satisfying foods is so rewarding. I can’t …

39 replies
  1. amy rugala
    amy rugala says:

    Hi Jess, I am a recovering alcoholic and now I say I am also a recovering sugarholic. I lost a lot of weight and fell down the artificial sugar rabbit hole. I had to get off and know I can never go back. The cravings suck, but once I got through, I was able to get back on my program. When I am having emotional cravings, I think about the consequence and don’t want to go back. Hope this helps! ❤️

  2. Cathie D
    Cathie D says:

    Good video Jess and so good to hear about your Mom's health progress. Prayers and healing thoughts for her continued recovery.
    It's kind of ironic that the foods that have such comforting and happy feelings associated with them are so often those that create such negative effects on our health 😬
    So many of my downfall foods are those that remind me of my growing up years… especially southern favorites, for example Hush Puppies, banana pudding, and fried chicken! Those foods are nostalgic reminders of family and friends. However my biggest challenge comes from bread 🍞 and salty snacks!
    I think because keto/low carb sweets I can make a great substitute for And I don't have a binge problem with sweet treats, I have been able to keep them from being a problem. That being said, I will probably always have the desire to eat off plan but so far on the whole if I do go off, I have been able to limit it to one or two bites and it's over 😜. Right back to my low carb WOE immediately.
    Cheering for you from Utah 😉

  3. Rosemary Derr
    Rosemary Derr says:

    Still with you,glad you are talking about this crazy thing. I gain and lose the same 100lbs every year. I am trying to stop this crazy game. I know I have a eating disorder, but I want off this ride. I am a all in or all off kind of person. Now I'm back in. Only gained 5lb back this time around.

  4. Deb Clair
    Deb Clair says:

    I'm so glad to hear your mom is doing well.
    I'm a sugar addict or sugaraholic and I know abstinence is the only answer for me. I recently read the book Bright Line Eating and the explanation for the food addiction makes sense.

  5. Fran59
    Fran59 says:

    You’re an addict…if not sugar, it will be gambling, drinking, smoking, etc. you must resolve to fix what’s going on in your mind & your need to control…if you don’t, whatever success you manage to grasp will eventually slip through your fingers and your addiction will come back stronger & fiercer than ever before. Addicts need a 12 step OA program and abstinence…not for a lifetime—just for 24 hours.

  6. judy webb mays
    judy webb mays says:

    I feel your pain! I lost 57 lbs. Over 4 years, I’ve also gained back and lost my way back (50 lbs.). I’ve now lost 25 of those lbs. more than once!
    I’m 75 so I don’t have time to waste.
    If this sounds crazy, I agree but I am addicted to sugar so I’m back on track one more time! Thanks for sharing your story and for being honest about it!
    Praying for your mom’s healing 🙏♥️

  7. Lisa Kuzma
    Lisa Kuzma says:

    One possible piece of the puzzle of sugar cravings: bad gut bacteria! They LOVE sugar! And they'll send messages to yer brain to trigger cravings.

    Add some fermented veggies to your supper to boost the GOOD bacteria in the gut (and starve those little sugar-greedy devils that are trying to undermine your efforts!). 

    I'm gonna try this this year to see if it helps. I've heard that if your gut is populated by mostly GOOD bacteria, you'll actually crave stuff like sauerkraut. I'll believe THAT when I see it. But I'm willing to put that theory to test. 🙂

  8. BW
    BW says:

    Haven't seen any of your videos for many months now, but decided to pop in to see an update on your weight loss. Warms my heart and tickles me endlessly to see where you are in your journey right now. So deserving. Keep it up!

  9. Wanda Hernandez
    Wanda Hernandez says:

    Jess, so happy to hear about Mom. I'm in the same boat…carb addiction is no joke! Don't overthink, or worry, about the "why" you keep going back to sugar. Some of us have to Abstain! We cannot moderate! I'm learning that the hard way. I've hit the reset button, too. 2023 will be my, our, year!

  10. Wanda Hernandez
    Wanda Hernandez says:

    Jess, so happy to hear about Mom. I'm in the same boat…carb addiction is no joke! Don't overthink, or worry, about the "why" you keep going back to sugar. Some of us have to Abstain! We cannot moderate! I'm learning that the hard way. I've hit the reset button, too. 2023 will be my, our, year!

  11. Charla Reid: Body and Soul Transformation
    Charla Reid: Body and Soul Transformation says:

    HEYYYYYY!!! I'm SO excited I found your channel!!! You are such a wonderful joyous spirit! I started my weight loss journey online 2 months ago to keep myself accountable. My highest weight was 315lbs but this journey started at 275 lbs. Thank you for sharing your journey!!! I'm here cheering you on and learning as much as I can!

  12. Carmella Goodman
    Carmella Goodman says:

    Sugar is more addictive than any other substance on this earth. There are so many receptors that sugar affects. We made Sicilian Christmas cookies the weekend after thanksgiving and I’ve probably eaten 2 or more every day since. It’s like I can’t help it I must have it.

  13. Jennie Adams
    Jennie Adams says:

    Im sending you and your family so much love right now, especially mom! And im so proud of you for getting back to clean keto! I think most of us addicts know that for whatever reason, we have to abstain! I think this is why there has been alot of frustration in the comment section…because most of us know we have to stay AWAY from sugar at all costs! You are really coming to a point where you have gained some insight, and I can see it starting to come together for you. Don't overthink the "why"of addiction….there are many reasons. Instead stay focused on your "how"….how am I going to continue to fight this addiction…..and you know the answer dear one! You look like you feel good…youre beautiful! This is going to be your year Jess! Ill be watching to see it all happen for you!

  14. Dendy Flohaug
    Dendy Flohaug says:

    Jess I have been listening to the Food Junkies Podcast and I am learning a lot about food addiction and sugar is our Heroine. They have a wide variety of opinions. I know I always feel better low carb low sugar. I just haven't been able to get behind no artificial sugars.

  15. Craig and Lea Aho
    Craig and Lea Aho says:

    Same here!!!!
    I've decided the only way to beat the sugar beast is to not have anything sweet in my diet! No sweetners either! Ugh….yeah I had to give up my gum habit!!! That was hard!
    Due to digestive issues I've let go of ingredients!
    Unhealthy oils (mayo)(dressings)
    A week into it and I'm feeling better!
    All those things were causing inflammation in my body.
    Lesson for me….just give up the need to have the taste of sweet !

  16. Kathys Biz
    Kathys Biz says:

    Oh boy… This is me, through and through! I’m going to follow your lead and eliminate sugar for now while I try to figure out the draw sugar has on me. Hopefully we can both find the answer! Hugs, Jess! Thanks for hanging in there and not giving up (on yourself OR us) 😊

  17. Jessica Self
    Jessica Self says:

    I put on a good 15 over the holidays as well. We, my husband and I, stayed back last Tuesday and yes, I've already dropped that 8lbs of water weight. I know it's water weight, but it still feels really good.

  18. Kyla Mason
    Kyla Mason says:

    Because sugar tastes good!! Fries, taste good!! With me, I eat my emotions. I have high self esteem one day, then I put myself down the next. Honestly, a lot of it is psychological. I play head games with myself. I don’t think there is just one reason we overeat those things.

  19. MB76
    MB76 says:

    Jess, have you ever watched Daniela Diaries? She is really great, inspiring, and has really been able to shift her mindset and behaviors. Her latest video is a cool place to start, but her entire journey has been fascinating.

  20. Kara Knight
    Kara Knight says:

    Your meals look great. Unfortunately chicken doesn’t satiate me and I end up hungry an hour or so later. Beef and lamb work best for me personally.
    Don’t overthink the addiction too much. Just get rid of the sugar and sometimes the answers come when your perspective changes. ❤

  21. Nancy Huff
    Nancy Huff says:

    I hear you, Jess!! I prefer no sugar and very limited bread, but hubs and kiddo eat so much of it. When I don't bring it in the house, they bring it in. 🤦🏻‍♀ Sugar (sweets, breads and ice cream) are my demons. I am determined to lose 50 pounds this year 2023!!! LowCarbHighFat


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