If I could only cook one dish for the rest of my life…

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Over the last few months, i’ve probably eaten some version of this noodle soup at least 4-5 times every week. You can pretty much get every single item you …

32 replies
  1. Skating Canuck
    Skating Canuck says:

    On a cold winter day NOTHING warms my soul more than a bowl of Asian noodle soup. I love that your choice wasn't a pricey chateaubriand, but a very humble bowl of Asian noodles. Mike I think you were Asian in a past life:).

  2. Sinfaroth
    Sinfaroth says:

    I was a little taken aback with your roasting. Do you roast the vegetables whole? And did you throw in the skin of the sharlotts? I don't have any experience so maybe roasting the vegetables over a long time at a lower heat gets them evenly roasted?! Can somebody help me out?

  3. Vance Bocas
    Vance Bocas says:

    That question is hard, because it depends on who you are cooking for. If it's for myself, a simple meat and cheese lasagna. For my wife, it could be honey garlic chicken wings/stir fry rice, for my daughter barbeque meatballs w/ rice. Cooking is just fun in general.

  4. Marvin Barnes
    Marvin Barnes says:

    Thanks for sharing your video, however, think about a comment you made. You said we deserve to be taught YOUR COOKING style or interpretation of Korean cooking. Really? Remember where you got your inspiration from American boy.

  5. Rant Passions
    Rant Passions says:

    After a lifetime of cooking, I love all various aspects of ethnic dishes. I have traveled and lived in every region of the world (Belgian diplomatic services career)… my least favourite is anything Asian and soup dishes, so any Asian soup is rock bottom for me. Favourite has to be almost anything Peruvian, their cuisine is explosive and luckily still undiscovered. If I had to settle for one dish for the small amount of time I have live on this planet, it’s the rare Peruvian fish version of a hearty chili con carne. OMG

  6. Matt
    Matt says:

    I swear cooking at a high level is like going down a rabbit hole. Ridiculously intricate and time consuming. Not knocking on this guys skill though


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