I used to sneak out of my room for this dish

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Ingredients: 16 oz banh pho noodles 1 carrot, sliced 1 can of whole young corn, drained and sliced lengthwise 1 can sliced …

38 replies
  1. Wait what
    Wait what says:

    Growing up I would always try to avoid speaking to adults because they would always start the conversation with some sort of criticism like "Why don't you have a boyfriend yet? Do the boys think you're ugly?" "When did you gain so much weight" "Where's my hug?" I was always so uncomfortable because I barely knew anyone and im a introverted person in general

  2. unknowndeoxys00
    unknowndeoxys00 says:

    Jeez I'm an adult and still don't want to talk to other adults in a social setting. I have nothing useful to contribute to your conversation. Just like when I was a kid, give me my plate of food and leave me to people-watch in peace

  3. Yclawz
    Yclawz says:

    Questions I would get asked whenever the adults came over as a Chinese boy living in Europe were always:

    – Why are you so thin? Are your parents feeding you enough?
    – Why can you only understand Chinese, but not speak or read?
    – How are your grades?
    – What college are you planning to go to once you graduate?
    – Why are you so silent?
    – Do you have a girlfriend yet?
    – Why do you eat bread in the morning? You should eat rice or porridge.
    – Do you have any Chinese classmates?
    – What countries are your friends from?
    – How many friends do you have?

    I would always just respond with an awkward laugh and pretend I didn't understand what they were saying in Chinese, in the hopes that they stop asking. I still do so sometimes lol.

  4. tomioka giyuu
    tomioka giyuu says:

    As a Asian this is sooo true, like i would meet my long lost aunt or my great great great grand aunt who once held me when i was 1½ years old or my a random uncle who saw my dad when he was 8. Idk any of them…

  5. Amber C.
    Amber C. says:

    What is more weird is grown adults hosting karaoke parties for hours on end almost every weekend! I'm sorry, but karaoke is awful. So making a party of it on a regular basis is ABSOLUTELY BIZARRE!

  6. Snowy
    Snowy says:

    The grown up conversations I remember as a kid was like:
    My parents: “Hey, what’s your kid doing?”
    Their friend: “Yeah. He’s learning piano and bass”
    My parents: “Oh yeah? That’s so good! My kids can’t even play any string instruments”
    My self-esteem: 📉

  7. Kì lân ếch
    Kì lân ếch says:

    fyi, the noodles in the video are not called “pho”. People dont actually use those kind for pho dish in vietnam, they use a type of squared noodles, or wide noodles. This one in the video is “bun” and its used for bun dish.
    Ever since I came to america most of the vietnamese restaurants uses those bun noodles for Pho and idk why, but I think its due to it being harder to produced. But hearing an Vietnamese American call it that is funny to me lol, i love lisa though

  8. NotApollo
    NotApollo says:

    When i was a little viet kid, i would always isolate myself away from the adults because their conversions were always really goofy and they were using viet words that my little brain couldnt translate ☠️☠️


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