I used to hide this during lunch

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sinigang #filipinofood #soup #salmon #asianfood #foodandtravel #england #bathuk #shorts ✈ What’s The Food Map??

48 replies
  1. Juliet Rae
    Juliet Rae says:

    No super smelly dishes should really be eaten in an enclosed space with judgemental people, your cooking style is beautiful though. Be proud to show off your talent and where you come from. People will always be outspoken, kids especially.

  2. Em Yung
    Em Yung says:

    What if your friend did not appreciate each bite. Would you be offended? You said you are not making it for people to fawn over it but you'd only make it for a friend who would appreciate each bite.🤔 You realize you're valuing the opinions of some stupid kids so much it affects what you will cook for adults WHO are YOUR FRIENDS NOW .🤷🏾‍♀️
    My family is from the Caribbean and kids would do the same thing. You aren't alone. But the opinions of some jerky kids will NOT affect what I cook for my friends now

  3. SkywardSpine
    SkywardSpine says:

    I remember when I was eating my shrimp chips at lunch and this dude went and took it threw it in the trash telling me how it stinks so bad it really made me sad and I couldn’t do anything because he was way taller than me and I felt like if I said anything we would beat me up.

  4. Nastya NP
    Nastya NP says:

    Looks so yammy! We in Ukraine also have a nice fish soup called Uhà. It actually just a fresh fish broth, but with some potatoes, carrots, onions and some other spices. I used to hate it when I was a kid. But now, I enjoy it so much. I'd love to cook the soup you've shown.

  5. margot
    margot says:

    i tried sinigang when eating with one of my best friends once and it was so delicious—if you’ve never tried it, i highly recommend it. it’s sour in the right way and super flavorful while still being light and heartwarming. it’s my favorite filipino food now!! thank you jeanelle for teaching me about it

  6. N R
    N R says:

    I’m white but not with a typical white palate. I love tuna and when I would bring tuna sandwiches my friend would go ew and whatever, I mean she is vegetarian but still, I didn’t saw ew to her food

  7. Kairon Cabaylo
    Kairon Cabaylo says:

    It's actually sad that this happens to people that it hurts them to the point where they hate their own culture.
    Many of us who haven't experienced the pain, like me, are very lucky.

  8. Kristi aka OutSidrQQn
    Kristi aka OutSidrQQn says:

    You would have thought your lunch was from God if you could have only known me. I was so jealous of those that received something remotely homemade (with love). I would have sat next to you everyday, excited to trade lunches for the connection of love (in my brain) that it was. I still at 44, connect food with love.

  9. cat& games
    cat& games says:

    You would think that USA kids would be more accepting due to the huge cultural mix- it's actually really sad
    I also grew up in city that had kids from all around the world (in Europe) and it was never making fun of each other- it was really interesting to learn about each other's culture
    And of course there were kids who made fun of me, but never because of my ethnicity, moreover my looks lol

  10. Erniebee
    Erniebee says:

    This looks delicious ! And remember when I was in grade school a boy made fun of the smell of my tuna sandwich my mom made me …I love tuna but after that I wld act like hated it so my wldnt make it for my lunch for school .

  11. cami dumbass
    cami dumbass says:

    i always brought salmon to school in high school and my best friend would yell at me that it smells and I would be like “grow up you can’t control the smells in the air”

  12. Rosh S
    Rosh S says:

    I dont get the American education system. The kids are bred to make fun of anyone who is even slightly different. And a sandwich is the only acceptable lunch – though it is the least healthy 🙄
    Here in India, at break time, we used to love to see what different foods everyone had got, and used to share everything and have a fun meal.

  13. spork !!
    spork !! says:

    I have a Japanese friend who sits about 2 seats away from me (arranged seating for covid), and she brings the coolest stuff. Everybody gets so intrigued. I'm so glad she didn't have to go through that.

  14. Tianna Graham
    Tianna Graham says:

    I didn’t really have ethnic foods since I’m African American, key word American, and all of the soul food from my culture I’d have would be only at home for holidays. But I got so many comments about stereotypical “black food” like fried chicken, watermelon, koolaid, jambalaya, all of which I did have as a kid but like, what kind of food are you eating if that’s what you make fun of? Y’all don’t eat watermelon? Y’all don’t eat fried chicken? Must be a sad life, idk

  15. Terry A.
    Terry A. says:

    It was the smell of sinigang that got me as a kid. There were times when it made me gag.

    It wasn’t until I was an adult that I appreciated sinigang more.

  16. petitmort
    petitmort says:

    😍❤️ love that you like seafood sinigang too! This looks so yummy. Can’t wait to make sinigang for my Latino boyfriend for the first time. It took me a long time to become proud of Filipino food, but I definitely only share it with people who will appreciate it

  17. K-
    K- says:

    Back in the early 90s i would eat avocado sandwiches all the time. One time i brought one to for a school lunch and the kids saw green and said ewwwwwww. Never brought one ever again.
    Now look at the avocado trends lmao

  18. Imaree Ramsey
    Imaree Ramsey says:

    I never once in my life got a home cooked meal to take to school. Ik it hurts how cruel kids can be. Even though I’ve never experienced meals for school i feel i would be so proud bc it drew so much attention even if it was hate.


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