I Tried to Recreate JUST EGG but CHEAPER (Making My Own Vegan Egg!) / Cook With Me!

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Vegan Mung Bean Egg Recipe – https://thecheaplazyvegan.com/just-egg-mung-bean/ Cook With Me Videos (Playlist) …

21 replies
  1. J M
    J M says:

    I will never understand why the people that make a conscious decision to stop eating animal products go through extraordinary lengths to make their vegetables look like animal products. Was talking to this coworker and she mentioned how good the "beyond meat" burgers are, mere days after I had seen a video explaining how horrible some of those ingredients are for you and how ultra-processed everything is.

    If something is labelled as a "burger" but it has like 20 ingredients, you probably shouldn't eat it.

  2. Brenda Fosmire
    Brenda Fosmire says:

    Great recipe and video!! Thank you. I’ve been working this mung egg myself. I would add the Black Salt at the end because I find it losses its flavor in time and heat – cooking.
    And I’m going to try soaking and then freezing the soaked mung in individual recipe sizes so that I can make this on demand? What do you think? Might that work?
    But great!!

  3. Cindy P.
    Cindy P. says:

    I can't wait to try this. I love using the Just Egg. I will pour it into a square baking dish and add diced onions, peppers, vegan cheese and imitation bacon bits. Then bake it in the oven at 350 degrees until done. I let it cool, cut into squares and freeze them. Then when I want an egg sandwich I just reheat a slice and put it on some toasted bread or English muffin. I will have to try doing that with your version. Thank you for doing this.

  4. tia kitchen
    tia kitchen says:

    -Bomb recipe chef 😋 Your videos will do extremely well on KHAL the only world's cooking social media network why don't you add your recipes there you will be amazed by the response trust me …… 😊

  5. nez1971
    nez1971 says:

    what if you put the homemade "egg" into a small waffle maker? I'm going to give it a try. Maybe it will be perfect for a homemade "egg" sandwich or bagel sandwich! What about adding a few tablespoons of instant potato to give it better consistency?


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