I Tried Cooking My Beef Brisket a Different Way and THIS Happened…

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Beef Brisket is one of my FAVORITE cuts of meat & usually, it comes out perfect! See what happens when I try a new technique.

4 replies
  1. @tpcdelisle
    @tpcdelisle says:

    Hey Victor, a suggestion. Sometime, try cooking in the crockpot to around 165/170. Pull the meat out, lay it on foil, put some of your pan juices and or olive oil on the meat and wrap it tight in the foil. Stick your probe back in the meat and place it in the oven at about 275 degrees. When the meat reaches around 200-203, pull it out and if you're temp probe goes in and out easily when you stick it, you're done. I would then leave it wrapped in the foil , place it in a cooler with towels covering it for insulation, and let it rest for 2-4 hours minimum. When you're ready, open the foil, sauce it up and stick it under your broiler to tighten up the sauce as quick as possible so that you don't cook the meat more. I know this sounds like a lot more work, but not really. I think that you will like the results. The rest in the cooler will allow the juices to reabsorb into the meat and you should have a more tender and moist brisket flat. It did look tasty though. Thanks again. 👍


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