I Tried Boiled Watermelon Rind Curry | Merle Shane O'Neal

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Today I tried a dish common in Northern India, called Tarbooz Ki Sabji, the base of which is made from boiled watermelon rind! Thank you, @rootedinspice for …

37 replies
  1. Carly Crays
    Carly Crays says:

    I'm not vegan, but it's really interesting to see vegan and vegetarian dishes from other countries because, like, they're just meant to be vegan and vegetarian. It's not about trying to pretend to include meat.

  2. Ehh Surely
    Ehh Surely says:

    I tried this about a week ago when I saw the recipe on @Rootedinspice’s TikTok… oh wait I just got to that part in the video lol it was bomb with some naan and tzatziki

  3. Miguel Santos
    Miguel Santos says:

    that's literally crazy!!! just today I was wondering if you could in some way eat the leftover part of the watermelon 💀 I don't have those exact spices but if it works well like that then it should work well in a simple curry right?

  4. Irene Schuurman
    Irene Schuurman says:

    Great video! Love seeing more internal videos too. Laughed so hard when you said 'this is the first watermelon of the season' with the video edit! About the watermelon seeds, I was also told it would be bad for one to eat them, I also heard watermelons would grow in ones stomach then… Lol the things people convince kids of.. Anyway, would like to see more 'unknown' dishes like these!

  5. Alexa Apocalypse
    Alexa Apocalypse says:

    The timing for this video was perfecto👌 as I have a watermelon sitting in the kitchen and all the spices except that new one I've never heard off but I'll sub garlic or something . Thanx love learning new ways to eat the parts I normally throw out 🥰

  6. Kardelen Koç
    Kardelen Koç says:

    Try "zeytinyağlı yaprak sarması" it's rice wrapped with grape leaf. It's a Turkish food. Try the one that is done in İstanbul i do not recommend the one with tomatoes (it has a way more inferior taste). it has a sweet and salty flavor and you also squeeze lemon on top so its sour(ish) too. i love the taste of the leaf. there's also a version with meat. 😇 if you cant find a recipe in english i can help

  7. Raphael Sylla
    Raphael Sylla says:

    Hmmm watermelon rinds are even being made as candy. The seeds are dried under sun and makes a tast watermelon seeds like nuts. U just have to crack the seed open and eat the inside flesh which is yummy!

  8. Charul Mishra
    Charul Mishra says:

    @merleeshay Grown up eating this 😀 Being from Rajasthan in India this 'sabzi' is a go to summer dish
    You can try 'gatte ki sabzi' ,muthiya and Pittod (this is basically vegan cottage cheese made from gram flour) 😀

  9. Reyna Arawan
    Reyna Arawan says:

    I bet the black watermelon seed fear came from the fact that it's bad for dogs. Before google and all these internet nutritionists, people just had to make things up based on observation and making ignorant connections.

    Before the internet, we just made things up and played telephone.

  10. Summer Main
    Summer Main says:

    Vegan sushi dishes! I go vegan every January, and that is always the hardest thing to let go (tied with cheese, but there are lots of good vegan cheeses now). Found some amazing vegan sushi on Sawtelle (LA). Would love to make some at home!

  11. Madison Hruschka
    Madison Hruschka says:

    Hey Merle! Usually, in pickling, fermenting or cooking recipes with watermelon rinds, you still take the green part off. The outer rind, usually doesn't become tender and can affect the texture of the final dish. I have also heard that it can affect digestion, but I am not sure of the science behind that. Also, sprouting the seeds will take the chewy outer black layer off, and yield tender seeds. Similar to sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

  12. luis
    luis says:

    Prickled pear cactus is one of those foods I hated as a kid… slimy, gooey, crunchy…
    -hearing this has a similar texture oddly brings good memories and makes me want to try it
    -try prickled pear! it’s actually really good also with side of Mexican rice and refried beans


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