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Welcome to Vanessa My Life My Journey I am converting my 2001 Ford E 350 cargo van into a camper van slash tiny home on …

22 replies
  1. Nikki Pruitt
    Nikki Pruitt says:

    Now that's how you eat! Screw the trout mouth tricks 🤣 I'm watching you on my tv but come back to comment after the video is over I can't wait to watch the other ones coming up and then I will be caught up 🥰😘

  2. Patricia B
    Patricia B says:

    What you think about Andrienne’s video today?? She going on another date with another POF guy…what happened to Mr. Bob Barker?? Where’s Smiley? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  3. Latesha Gordon
    Latesha Gordon says:

    Hi Ms tasty watching the video on Tuesday evening just laughing watching your videos. I enjoyed your videos you keep me laughing. I love how you being you and keeping it real. I love how you. Continue to live your best life living in the van. They just hating cuz they not living they best life like you. Keep being you and do what you like doing. Let the haters hate to see you living your best life. Love the video Ms tasty

  4. Yaz
    Yaz says:

    Hey Tasty, I find it hard not to smack when eating ribs😂! Eat how you want, if they don’t like it, the can go to another video. Nobody is forcing them to watch your videos, so I don’t get it. They just wanted to be the representative of the National Azz-hole Association and spew negativity. Chile please, go to another channel with your foolishness! Anywho, see you on live this evening Tasty as you eat & smack through your dinner😂🤣😆😘🌰🥜🌰🥜🌰🥜❤️!

  5. sheila ward
    sheila ward says:

    I had a pack of creamy chicken ramen noodles with a piece of hot sausage and some water to drink for dinner last night and this is Tuesday morning the 18th, 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

  6. Lajuan Hunter
    Lajuan Hunter says:

    Enjoy cause it's someone out here without nothing that mean no roof over their head no food on a table and no clothes on their back but the once they laid over a man hole to warm in cause all the shelters was full and that park bench was taken some people need to stop being so critical of others and be more up lefting you don't know tasty story until you ask and she tell you what she want you to know❤️💥✌️


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