I marinated these BBQ Ribs in Sweet Soy Sauce for 100 Hours

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44 replies
  1. Peter Gunn
    Peter Gunn says:

    As a looooongtime subscriber and having a Father from Amsterdam, I have been eating Kecap Manis for many years. In my home we only use it and sometimes we add "liquid smoke" to kick it up. ABC is one of the best Knorr/Maggi has something close. Speaking of Maggi, i am always thrilled when I introduce friends to it instead of soy sauce, it's almost like a new light has been turned on. Thank You guys for another GREAT video!!

  2. This is the way
    This is the way says:

    Bango is better for grilling a bit more salty though.
    I use ABC for my stirfry and nasi goreng

    My tips for grilling marinade with kecap manis, is to mix with some thai bird chillies, white pepper and some coarse ground coriander seeds (very important)

  3. tian johan
    tian johan says:

    The result is not really surprising. The salt that kick starts the osmosis will penetrate into the ribs. But only the salt. The sweetness and depth of the sweet soy sauce unfortunately does not do anything other then to the outside of the ribs. And that goes for most marinades. Except garlic, garlic finds it's way into the core of anything. What you should take from this test, is to reconsider your way of salting ie steaks after cooking. Next steak session I hope you will do an A+B test of salt before (osmosis ) and salt after. If you need a little extra "salt kick" just drizzle flaky salt before serving, but lightly as the salt has penetrated into the core. Good experiment, and I will try your sweet soy sauce instead of a BBQ sauce when I do ribs.

  4. a seek
    a seek says:

    if you can find, you can try kecap manis with "bango" brand. it is very good for satay peanut sauce or anything. for me bango brand (kecap bango) is better than abc hehehe…

  5. Joseph Daigle Jr
    Joseph Daigle Jr says:

    So what is the proper name so I can go to the world market to find some I have been looking at regular markets with no success…. they have every other kind of soy sauce except this one

  6. Bri Fo
    Bri Fo says:

    🙋Hey, PitmasterX !!! 👋😋🍻🇮🇹
    Is there in your recipe book (waiting for it translated and signed 😂😂😂) ? Looks very good and interesting.


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