I Made McDonald’s French Fries Better

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If we can do this then did we make the best french fry in the world? Get My NEW Cookbook: https://bit.ly/TextureOverTaste

47 replies
  1. Jake Nancarrow
    Jake Nancarrow says:

    Whats the function of adding baking soda AND vinegar. They have opposite effects when boiling potatoes, i.e speeding up vs slowing cooking, so surely using both cancel each other out?!

  2. Aaron Vidal
    Aaron Vidal says:

    You purposefully only cooked your fries in beef fat — even though that's what McDonald's famously used to do — because otherwise you'd have lost πŸ˜‚ It's OK to take an L sometimes dude, I've noticed you have a bit of an ego

  3. Tim Gauen
    Tim Gauen says:

    What makes the fries in Amsterdam so good that people line up around the block to get them…. besides the weed. My wife and I lined up as well and they are were freakin'' awesome!

  4. BroadbandBrat
    BroadbandBrat says:

    Sadly McDonald's fries used to amazing before the f*cktard food police convinced them to stop using beef tallow. Anyone that believes they're good now has never had them in the before times.😒

  5. piece toyou
    piece toyou says:

    I am in my 50s and never eaten anything from a Mc Donald's, in my life.
    I taken my children `once for a treat ` I looked that burger then ripped a bit off , the texture looked like compressed cardboard, I could not believe that is what they call a burger,
    I looked at the fries and thought what is all the fuss about,
    Take away the packaging and serve that stuff on a plate at home you would realize what`s on your plate, I do not see the fascination with that stuff they call food.

  6. HawkEyesAndy
    HawkEyesAndy says:

    i was actually shocked a few years ago when i saw how much shit they put into mcdonalds fries, it is somewhere around 90 to 100 different "shits" they dunk the fries into, definitely would not trade them over a batch of homemade french fries, even the soggy greasy ones will definitely be way less harmful that the mcdonalds poison fries….besides a few hours later they are absolutely inedible, not even my chickens want to eat them…that is how disgusting they are after some time…

  7. Alex Kong
    Alex Kong says:

    McDonalds fries stopped using beef tallow in 1990 due to the sheer amount of cholesterol and saturated fats it added, and they switched to the chemical beef flavoring as a result. This is actually why AMERICAN McDs fries taste better than say UK or Asia. They don't allow the use of artificial beef flavoring, so their versions of McDs fries taste really bland. Unfortunate that we can no longer have the OG McDs fry, but they are much "healthier" for our arteries as a result. They still aren't good for you, but at least they arent literally depositing widow makers in our arteries

  8. Sara Friedel
    Sara Friedel says:

    Unpopular opinion: Checkers, Arby's, and Wendy's all have better fries. McDonald's used to be my favorite because they were crispy and salty to perfection. For years now, they aren't as crispy and are tragically under salted. The fries at Checkers, Arby's, and Wendy's are more consistently crispy and salty.

  9. Dec_Ves
    Dec_Ves says:

    mc Donald's will literally give you cancer if you eat it long enough, actually any fast food for that matter, mc Donald's is especially bad for how much bioengineered food ingredients they put in it but you should also watch out for bio engineered stuff because it will give you the same symptoms if you eat it for long enough. always stick with the natural things and also watch out for QR codes on food items because companies love to hide the bioengineered sticker on it. stay safe God bless!

  10. Precious Cole
    Precious Cole says:

    McDonald's fries used to be cooked in beef tallow, that's why they were better back in the day. They changed the ingredients and now use beef flavoring. They don't taste as good as they used to, but in my opinion, they are still the best.

  11. richy5412
    richy5412 says:

    One problem about these "but better" series is Josh always take out the fast food back home which the food could be cold already and it doesnt taste as good as it was. Of course the mcdonalds fries gonna taste bad cuz its been cold who knows how long. Same with all the other fast food item. I get it you wanna show how good your recipe is and I believe it but I just cant get over the fact it is not compared fairly.

  12. Onironius
    Onironius says:

    "I'm gunna use tallow 'cause"…. Yeah, because McD's definitely uses beef tallow…


    Are you under the age of 33? No, you probably don't. They stopped using tallow in 1990.


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