I Made 8 Pounds of Easy Snacks to Put into my Freezer to Help Me Meet My Nutrition Goals

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

It’s time for everyone to start building Snack City in your freezer for 2023. Snack City in my neck of the woods was wearing thin so I …

36 replies
  1. curious little frog
    curious little frog says:

    So I am oddly intolerant to broccoli (think food poisoning reaction if there’s even a bud of broccoli in my food), is there another vegetable you think would replace it well? Kale maybe? Idk help pls 😅

  2. IfIseeThisAd1moreTime
    IfIseeThisAd1moreTime says:

    hey, quick question have you ever made or had sambuusa? its great for the snack city community. Its basically just meat with a thin crust and if you add veggies or potatoes it with tastes 100 times better. Just don't add Cauliflower. because lets be honest, Cauliflower is just broccolis inbreed cousin.

  3. Nick C
    Nick C says:

    Can i just say that it's very important to at least wrap your raw chicken tray with cling film before it goes in the freezer. With it open like that it can potentially contaminate everything else

    Other than that, i love your videos!

  4. AJ
    AJ says:

    As someone who just bought a new house and am watching my budget in this horrendous market, I appreciate the recipes on your website. I didnt ever think I'd buy into it for any youtube channel but I am super happy I did!

  5. JLawL
    JLawL says:

    Dude! I hate maple syrup! Mrs. Butterworth’s is so much better! The only time I ever use maple over the fake stuff is on chicken and waffles lol.


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