I LOVE My New Instant Pot Ace Blender | Goodbye Vitamix?

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Buy it Now** – InstantPot Ace ($159): https://amzn.to/32CEFm2 – InstantPot Nova ($69): https://amzn.to/2TcmwbY I LOVE My New Instant Pot Ace Blender …

50 replies
  1. Mark Molina
    Mark Molina says:

    Hi, Jessica love the review. We purchased this IP Blender about 2 weeks ago and we are loving it very much. My wife is constantly making Almond Milk for her smoothies. We haven't had the chance to make soups but hopefully you can demo a couple recipes for us. Keep of the great job your doing.

  2. Kuku
    Kuku says:

    Can I use that as a food processor and make hummus
    Or chop veggies and herbs ?
    Also might need food processor , just cluttering kitchen with many gadgets ?

  3. Jmeecy
    Jmeecy says:

    She is so perfect for the Home Shopping Network. 😁. Also if youtube was around in the 50's and 60's there would be so many rich stay at home moms. Its like YouTube is the Tupperware business of today. I'm just sayin she just reminds me of that type, but it's so cute how she reviews, she kept me engaged. Anyway I'm getting one after seeing another reviewer. It'll be here Saturday, woop woop. And watching this revoew, I'm even more glad with my purchases. Can't wait to start blending some real smoothie. Which will be a big step up for me from my Oyster a classic old blender I've had for years and is still going. Only problem is that while my Oyster is a solid machine for long lasting its not good at all for making smoothies or even just blending at that matter. So anyway Insta Pot here I come.

  4. Court McL
    Court McL says:

    Thank you for this review! I just got one from Walmart for $19! I have been looking for a blender to replace my Kitchen Aid Diamond blender. I'm so excited to use it.

  5. Victor Chavarria
    Victor Chavarria says:

    Hello Jessica I am a first time viewer on your channel and let me start by saying that I really love your enthusiasm and the information that you provide on this video thank you very much keep it up. you're gorgeous by the way

  6. Marvelenia
    Marvelenia says:

    This company always forgets about the european market. And when they finally remember that we do exist still and also spend money they will put their products on the market here for a lot more than the rest of the world. Very unsympathetic.

  7. Mikhailovna Inna
    Mikhailovna Inna says:

    You are adorable ..just came to watch a review cuz kohls has it for $57+($15 kohls cash) and I had to snag one! You should be sponsored nothing better than actually loving the product you speak well of

  8. Private Private
    Private Private says:

    I just bought a Vitamix 6550, which I haven’t unboxed yet. Then, I saw this, did a little research and ordered one.

    Now, I would definitely agree that the Vitamix is a higher class blender, whatever the model you choose but, I think that the IP blender and a few other cooking blenders on the market, may make Vitamix up their game. You know, how Apple was once looked upon as the leader, then, not so much.

    For me though, it is about balance. You have to determine how much you want to pay, how much you think you’ll use it, which features are most important to you, how hot you like your soup, and how smooth you need your smoothies to be.

    The Vitamix warms by friction from the blades but, the 126 degree temperature in one review was merely tepid. For me, that means that eating the soup might be a rush on a cool day, if I didn’t want it to get cold in the middle of eating. For the IP, it heats the soup to 212 degrees and, I think it’s the Plus model that also has a Keep Warm feature for 2 hours. It also has a delay start for 12 hours but, I’m not so sure I want to drink or eat something that’s been sitting out for 12 hours, especially during the misery of summer. Having the heating plate, I’ve read, is also a bummer for cleaning particularly a cheese sauce out of the IP blender.

    Although quite heavy, with that heating element, I do love a glass container though. And that’s a thick glass. They.are.not.playin’.

    While the Vitamix Ascent series is handsome, the IP models are better looking IMHO, if you like a good looking machine and leave your small appliances on the countertop.

    Where speed is concerned, while I do need to save time in my life, I don’t actually need something blended in seconds as, I have plenty other things to do, while not watching a timed blender program.

    The IP does not have BT or WIFI connectivity, like the Vitamix a3500 but, I’m not so sure I need that.

    One of the reasons why I’ll give up the Vitamix 6500 is that, although I got it for only $300, not only do I do more in life than blend or even cook, I just like having my money. I rather like IP stepping into this arena as a newbie underdog and bringin’ it! Glass container, heating element, 8 programs, $99? Watch out! This is to say nothing of the fact that they intend to produce Pro and Ultra models with the highest price point maybe being at $199. Can’t WAIT to see what those will have. As soon as those are available, I might have to sell the Plus and get one o’ those.

    All in all, I’ll have to see for myself. As I read the reviews, I got the idea that it’s highly personal. Some people need soup in 45 seconds and, once blended, nothing in it can look familiar. Others find stuff to do for 20 minutes, while soup is being prepared and the want a bit of chiunkiness to their soup. One person’s smooth smoothie has to be almost like it was juiced and another’s they love a more sludge like consistency. I would think it’s a bit like choosing g a loaf of bread. Some people like plain white and others like a 12-grain bread that looks like a slice of oatmeal.

    I just wanted to get one as, I don’t step out there for Christmas shopping and I doubt there’ll be ones available for immediate purchase locally.

  9. nikki flowers
    nikki flowers says:

    nice, clear, precise voice, great instructional video, thank you! I received this blender for my birthday from one of our daughters and really looking forward to some soup recipes. Thank you again ~ oh, and some smoothies too 🙂


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