I lost over 60 Pounds in 32 Days Eating Spam and Pickles. This is How I like to Prepare my Spam

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This is one 400 cal meal.

34 replies
  1. snake diet Sandy
    snake diet Sandy says:

    I'm going to start this. Any tips ? I am currently at 203.0 and I'm going up down. I've been watching your videos and your doing fantastic. I sure hope I can pull this off! Have a great day!

  2. OTKP
    OTKP says:

    I respect the hell out of Cole, still not sure about this High Sodium thing yet though. Cole a beast he works out like crazy so it works for him, not sure if it is for me though

  3. Xychotic Break
    Xychotic Break says:

    I figured out my own stunt: cayenne pepper dusting and a 2 minute sear on each side. The heat and the sear transforms it without losing much if any fat. Then top it off with a bit of hot sauce. Man, did not realize spam could be delicious. Kind of mad about it.

  4. Oliver The Dog
    Oliver The Dog says:

    I'ma try it 👍 i read to be sure NOT to get low sodium spam and you can even add a little salt and butter or mayonnaise if you want and fast as long as you can and eat 1/3 of a can with pickles and drink a little pickle juice. i'm 5'9" and 260 😳 gotta chub down posthaste!!

  5. Yo Adrian
    Yo Adrian says:

    Nice video what do you drink regular water or snake juice coke talks about salting the food but do you do the same with water. Are you adding in potassium? Thank you

  6. Trahvyeso
    Trahvyeso says:

    When you're eating spam and pickles do you still resort to drinking snake juice on the same day that you eat or is the snake juice just for when you're fasting?

  7. M C
    M C says:

    Awesome job getting back on the horse. I think the hardest part of losing weight is getting yourself back up when you fall. I had a set back for a while and put on a bunch of weight but I've managed to recover so I'm back on track thankfully, 80lbs down in my journey but its tough bro! The momentum you have right now is great. You're doing a fantastic job.
    You've done incredible with your weight loss thus far over the past year! Crazy dude. Let's get grinding brother 💪


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