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A trip to London with the girls, a delicious rose matcha recipe, and BIG news about a potential new career?! SIGN UP TO THE …

25 replies
  1. @simonjones2703
    @simonjones2703 says:

    Whilst I highly applaud you for going back to study. What course are you planning on doing? is it a Masters or a course that will qualify you as registered dietician or nutritionist? Online level 3 courses are of limited quality and only give you the ability to give folk advice that does NOT affect them medically. You will have no mandate or clear licence to practice in respect to indemnity with a level 3 study course. Please be mindful of what a level of advice this qualifies you to give….. not always what they say on the tin!..

  2. @evamosbauer2865
    @evamosbauer2865 says:

    Good afternoon Josie sad to say could not watch your video till now, our Power went out on Tuesday due to few tornados bringing the tower down nice one, over half million homes no Power I only got mine back about hour ago ouch, first thing had shower and washed my hair feel like a new women lol in hence saying this not surprised to your good news I think you will do great my money is on you ,I love it when you take little walkabouts to London loved your Pink dress you looked stunning so you, and loved that dinner event looked fun well time for a hot chocolate and think on dinner as always love spending time with you Josie sending Hugs to Both and the adorable doggies from little me in Melbourne xoxo

  3. @majavelimirovic3115
    @majavelimirovic3115 says:

    Oh my goodness,gardening advice, interesting hobbies, fun cookalongs and now nutrition topics. What more can you wish for in terms of content. I hope this new venture gives you joy Josie. One can never have too much education and personal development.❤🌸☺️

  4. @eviemayvlog342
    @eviemayvlog342 says:

    Josie I respect you so much for addressing that you don’t feel ‘qualified’ to talk about health/nutrition. I think all of us really appreciate your advice and know that it’s just like hearing it from a friend, it’s for us to do our own research – not you to do it for us! However having said that, I’m so excited to hear about your journey studying to be a nutritionist!!! Congrats !

  5. @wandalast6618
    @wandalast6618 says:

    Thank You ,Thank You for studying Nutrition. I love to watch your YouTube and you will teach us how to eat. I don’t need weight loss But I want to be healthy since a don’t like to exercise. (I know I should , but a really don’t like it) and I’m 67 . I need to be healthy. You will see you can’t not eat flower and sugar 😮. You are the best !!!!!!

  6. @carolynmarshall1968
    @carolynmarshall1968 says:

    I want to thank you Josie as since reading Tim Specter and listening to some of the podcasts I have learnt soo much about food and totally look at food in a different way now. I’ve always looked after myself, I’m 59 next month but not being big headed don’t look it. (Always shock people with my age) I don’t have wrinkles, have really good skin, love skin care so always look after my skin and always love trying new products recommended by you. Love fashion too. I keep fit by doing Ballet be Fit and Yoga 🧘‍♀️ which I love and love to walk too. I also would like to learn more about nutrition and health so I may look into the course you are going to do too (good for you, always good to keep learning). Although it’s a privilege to grow older but I don’t like the thought of looking older. Food is medicine just like Tim Specter said, so you are what you eat and if I can find a way of defying aging, I will 😊 I’m young at heart too which also helps. I’ll shut up now lol 😂 x

  7. @grassroots8165
    @grassroots8165 says:

    Congratulations Josie! Although it's distantly related, I think you might like to visit the Oxford University Medicinal Garden. I work in the health industry, and even though the plants in the garden are designed for clinical prescriptions- it's a cool affirmation of the benefits of plants!

  8. @beverleyroberts1025
    @beverleyroberts1025 says:

    Well done Josie, I quite fancy doing that course in nutrition too. It's something I'm very passionate about and love learning something new about nutrition. Beautiful pink dress, looked stunning on you! And love French Freddy 😂 I've played that bit of your video a few times, so funny! 😂 x 🌾🍋🎉

  9. @lorenmiller4939
    @lorenmiller4939 says:

    I’m a nutritionist too! I’m specifically a holistic (plant based) nutritionist. So exciting to hear your next steps, and I look forward to seeing your journey!! Welcome to the nutritionist family 😄

  10. @denarafiei603
    @denarafiei603 says:

    Josie, and another thing about Marine collagen; have you heard that the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are contaminated? I heard years ago that it's better not to consume fish caught in the Atlantic!
    If you get more information about it plz let us know as always. Tnx

  11. @louisemurray873
    @louisemurray873 says:

    I love all the sound affects when you spot some food or drink you like!!!! Ooooo ahhhhh 😂 its so cute!!! Huge congratulations on your nutrition journey i think you will be amazing. Love when the girlies Em and Freddy today drop in! ❤

  12. @denarafiei603
    @denarafiei603 says:

    For years, these doctors and nutrition specialists have told us things that haven’t been truly beneficial for our health. The lessons taught in universities or colleges are not necessarily 100% true. We see that occasionally, something they said was good for health, suddenly they say it's bad, or vice versa. There is a lot of information out there, and now there are doctors and specialists revealing truly beneficial health information in the online space. However, in the end, we can only trust our gut!


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