"I Got No Time" Meal Prep for Muscle Gain Guide | Breakfast Lunch Dinner w/ Calories & Macros

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Are you a college student? Family Man? Just someone who doesn’t have a lot of time in general? Then this meal prep guide is for you. Three simple recipes …

25 replies
  1. adrian martin
    adrian martin says:

    Ok this is great but you don't answer on thing. You say you can get 5 days worth of food with meal prep, but does your wife and kids eat these same meals or do they eat something else?

  2. antman1551
    antman1551 says:

    Hey @BuffDudes! I bought your superhero plan book a year ago, and I loved the recipes in there! I was a little disappointed that there were only three recipes in the book, but I understand it was a workout plan book, not a cookbook. I was wondering, how many recipes will be in your upcoming cookbook, and will you also add snack recipes, or will the recipes be strictly meal recipes (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)? Thank you, and as always, STAY BUFF!!


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