I gained weight…my emotional and stress eating

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I share all about what happened in China, my weight gain, and emotional/stress eating. ☆ Join me in the steak & butter gang …

20 replies
  1. M O
    M O says:

    Progress videos please! PS The back pain (for me) increases with dairy (except butter) coming from the inflammation in the intestines which radiating to the back. It can be misleading. Also lower back pain can come from constipation.

  2. Insights
    Insights says:

    So sorry to hear about your father. I’m glad you were able to be with him.

    10 lbs in 4 months is actually pretty great. I can gain 5 pounds in a week at my in laws 😊

  3. charlotia
    charlotia says:

    Hi, I started this woe on July 5th and the only thing that was not 100% was coffee with cream and stevia. Was doing well and losing weight…until i got diverticulitis (not the first time.) So now on a week of worth of two different antibiotics but Im wondering since I was only eating animal products, why this could have happened and not sure if I should do something differently now when I get back on. The only thing I can think of that may have lead to this happening is the disaster pants element. And also, when i started i felt my sleep got worse and my reflux, but figured it would get better in time. Any advise welcomed. Thx!

  4. James P
    James P says:

    You are a good daughter being there for your Dad. As always so talented and informative. I get with the struggle. I've been struggling since the pandemic and its mostly stress related

  5. Dana Stur
    Dana Stur says:

    You did fantastic and putting your dad first is the right thing to do, I'm so proud of you, girl!
    Truly, gaining only 10lb in such a long time is amazing.
    I recently returned from visiting my family in the old country and was not able to stay carnivore. I ate what was served not to offend their hospitality and I gained 20lb in 10 days. Upon my return I lost 9lb in 3 days because all the water retention finally left me. Now I struggle to lose the fat I gained and its frustrating. I'm back on carnivore diet and can not lose weight at all. I tried even the plateau breaking trick that always worked wonders and nothing! I have no idea what else to do. It's been 4 weeks and I am at the end, have no idea what else to do. I get plenty of walks each day, enough water intake for my weight, eat only carnivore with occasional dairy like cheese and cream.
    Do you have any suggestions for me, please? I would greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you so much.

  6. Susan Lee, Realtor - West USA Realty
    Susan Lee, Realtor - West USA Realty says:

    You are better than me. It takes will power to stick to your diet when you are with family and friends or traveling. I have a hard time with that. I do much better when I'm by myself. I'm traveling at the moment visiting family and eating habits are not good. I pretty much eat everything not that I'm on carnivore diet, but thinking about starting. I was currently on low carb diet where I was only eating salmon, chicken thigh and lot's of greens and no sugar, refined carbs, starchy veggies. That helped me kept my weight down and manage when I am on it, lol. It's a cycle on it, off of it, go back on it. So what you are doing takes will power to stick with it even when you are out of range. I wish I can be like that.

    I have a question on eating meat fat though…..do you have to eat the lard or can I substitute with adding butter, use bacon grease as cooking oil? Because I can't eat the lard, that is a bit much for me.

  7. Rob Grantham
    Rob Grantham says:

    Hi Bella, so awesome that you were able to share this. I also have had issues with eating excess dairy, cured meats and even sugar free sodas over the summer, including sugar free ice cream which is sweetened with erythritol. I know these foods are not carnivore and i find them very hard to kick. Ive also noticed ive gained a bit of weight. Im thinking perhaps to fast for a couple of days and then go back to clean eating again. Whats your thoughts?

  8. Lisa Rich
    Lisa Rich says:

    You had a short that said if you want to join a free tighten up your eating group drop a heart down in the comments but I could not find where to drop a ❤, please help 😊, thank you


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