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I can’t belive I went shopping in Tesco yesterday and forgot to buy the coffee! So I’m heading back there today and of course, end …

38 replies
  1. kezza gold
    kezza gold says:

    I’m tryi ☌ to make a note of what I’m putting in my cooking as ⟟ cook ⏃ bit like you put it in and make as ⟟ go on lol and they are the best meals lol and i want to re make as well as save for my daughter when she is older ⌖

  2. Joseph K.
    Joseph K. says:

    1:28 I felt this forgetting the coffee through the universe and had to scramble to YouTube to make sure everything was ok. The horror of not having the appropriate coffee!

  3. modmum none
    modmum none says:

    It is only mildly poisonous and there is no serious risk of liver damage from handling the plant, from its pollen or from being contact with it in any way. There are mild toxins present which can be absorbed in minute amounts through the skin but these do not pose any significant risk to the public. .

  4. Faye
    Faye says:

    Tip with the fresh ginger, freeze it and when needed just use a box grater and grate it in to what ever you are cooking.
    Lasts forever in the freezer 😊

  5. David M
    David M says:

    Butter will burn at high temps. Ghee has a very high smoke point. That does look like a very tasty curry. For some reason, Brits seem to like their curry!

  6. The Thrifty G'ma
    The Thrifty G'ma says:

    Caffeine has no affect on me other than irritating my IBS. Ragwort, aka, Stinking Willie. 😁 Farmers here, with horses do their best to burn it out of their fields. I love curried veggies over rice.

  7. Karen Sterling
    Karen Sterling says:

    Hi yes sleep is a luxury as this year I'm 60 ! have about 5 hours on good night. Awake silly hours at 3 or 4 in morning. Arrr like your vblogs great vblogger u are a natural n come across friendly ,hope your subs go up you deserve.

  8. Lynn Hurst
    Lynn Hurst says:

    Imo on caffeine 😂you're funny. Can't believe how much less the food is there, not only fruits and veg, but other foods are less. It's so expensive here 🇺🇸. Take care and have a great weekend ❤. Sending love and hugs from across the pond 😊

  9. Tina Mungroo
    Tina Mungroo says:

    I make a mean curry my ex is Mauritian that’s not why he’s my ex that a conversation for another day my mother in law taught me try adding ginger and garlic. I’m 60 I only need 5 hours sleep I’m more of morning person❤

  10. Marianne Tuite
    Marianne Tuite says:

    I’m a lifelong insomniac, often described as “the perpetual 5 year old at Christmas” for how wired I am as soon as I wake up. Over many years I’ve found 4-5 hours is my optimal amount of sleep, any more than that and I feel like death warmed up and can’t function. There’s definitely a school of thought whereby the less sleep you have, the less sleep you need.


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