I discuss porch take out & new love ft. Foodie Beauty.

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Reacting to ‘SHOPPING BEEZE’ + ‘IM IN LOVE’ Become a channel member: …

31 replies
  1. Lottie Mac
    Lottie Mac says:

    Thanks for a wonderful time, Zach and Stream Team!!

    00:02:47 – Summary of the past few days
    00:11:52 – Reaction to "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??"
    00:22:00 – Reaction to "GREEK FOOD AGAIN"
    00:49:17 – Reaction to "SHOPPING BEEZE"
    01:50:48 – Reaction to "SEPHORA TRY-ON"
    02:07:13 – Reaction to "I'M IN LOVE"

    For those who are catching the replay and want to follow along with chat, it can take a little while to upload so you might need to wait for Daddy G to do the processing thing and wander back in a bit.

    Last, but certainly not least, if anyone needs anything at all from access to the Discord for new members through to just wanting to say hi, feel free to reply to this message and I'll catch the notification ASAP.

    Hope to see you all in the next one!

  2. captain tugger
    captain tugger says:

    So I live where a lot of people who can't afford a big freezer so in the winter fenced in porches are essentially second freezers. However it's way too warm for that – at least where I'm at 😅

  3. Ertie
    Ertie says:

    Oh to live in the delusion to just walk into a Sephora and buy whatever tickles my impulses without any consideration for shade, skin type compatibility, products I already own, any knowledge whatesoever and not care if it works out or not.

  4. Life After 30
    Life After 30 says:

    Eating food that was left outside my doorstep overnight…..no thank you. However, it's does amplify FB's unhealthy relationship with food. Secondly, I'm w/ you Pulpy, how can she not know that Nadar & Dee was intimate when she herself was intimate with them?! like girl, how did you get to 37 picking that naive?

  5. Wild Lilac
    Wild Lilac says:

    No notification AGAIN!!!. Please get your act together Susan, I keep missing Pulpy live 😩 Enjoy the re watch fellow late to the party watchers 💜 Hope you feel 100% better real soon Zach

  6. Candace
    Candace says:

    As a makeup junkie, it just makes me cringe hw she is looking at and buying this high end stuff when she is so clueless and could get the same results with Wet N Wild. She puts it all on with her fingers and using her phone and filters, so she has no clue how she really looks.

    I could be wrong, but I also believe that one of those lip glosses ended up straight in her purse and not in her basket.

  7. Kitchen Mom
    Kitchen Mom says:

    Rewatching and I have to say each time in a live she is gone I count the flies. And let me tell you that's more fun as if she is there and it's not only fruit flies.

  8. Kiki Jo
    Kiki Jo says:

    I think Chantal sexualizes food service workers because she has an unhealthy relationship with sex and food. And she connects anyone working in food service with sex.
    Also, TIN FOIL HAT THEORY: She buys a lot of cat treats over food because cat treats are cheaper and she cannot buy her cats food because that mean she can't spend money on her.

  9. White Rabbit
    White Rabbit says:

    Just one more comment. Chantal has the eye enlarger filter on full blast as well as the smoothing and thinning filters on her Samsung phone. It's why her eyes look odd. They're out of proportion to her face.

  10. Living Reflection
    Living Reflection says:

    Chantel WATCHED them have sex during the threesome. No one can be this stupid! No one! I would have caught on quicker in high school! And isn't Deedee way too old for needing a pregnancy test? I do agree that Deedee, after being a vib for two years, is a scammer. I think she discovered Chantel first then had the felon go hook up with her on plenty of fish. They're scammers but Chantel makes it too easy for them.

  11. Jenny
    Jenny says:

    She thinks his lies are elaborate? Here’s an example of his lies…

    Chantal: Did you cheat on me?
    Nader: Mmmmm nah.
    Chantal: flawless logic, I love you.


  12. White Rabbit
    White Rabbit says:

    Where I live that food would never have made it all night. Raccoons or opossums would have gotten it first and then made such a ruckus eating it, it would have woken me up terrified of what was outside.


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