I cooked every meal for 7 straight days.

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

If you need a little extra help in the kitchen download your free veggie guide PDF here https://prohomecooksu.com/veggie-guide/

46 replies
  1. 조모경, Mokyung Cho
    조모경, Mokyung Cho says:

    ☆12.29.2022 why i subscribed☆
    Thank you sir for the good intellectual ideas. I wanna cook I consider it so fun and make my life host well. Also I hope you&your family always happy.🎁
    1. I don't drink white milk. I love cafelatte. tend to dislike dairy. But I realized from your video i need to know different cheeses to cook pasta witout getting glass jar sauce.(pamasan⬅️)
    2. Saw you using peeled sausage(cut middle and use inner part only) when i get hard time minced meat I think it's clever idea.
    I don't think around here there is such usable sausage though. (As another country's words I know this amount very good 😅😑)

  2. Jane Steinberg
    Jane Steinberg says:

    Pleasepleaseplease make an over-time series of your little ones eating, even if it's only as a segment tagged on to selected ones of your topic-focused videos. The record of their tolerances and likes and how they express them would be a fascinating record of how our tastes develop. This would work because they are adorable kids. I want to watch that grubber in the high-chair at least until he/she develops the first molar!

  3. EmLaney
    EmLaney says:

    I've tried to always feed our kids whatever we're eating and we don't know if it's because of that or if I just lucked out, but my 3 kids are the least picky eaters I've met. When I give them something new they occasionally turn up their nose, but I've found that if I keep offering in small amounts or if they get a chance to help prepare it (especially my middle 3 year old) then they always warm up to the food

  4. TheCheck
    TheCheck says:

    Great video, but I need to thank you for bringing up farm shares. I did two minutes of research and found a local farm that not only does a farm share, but will also deliver the produce to your porch and pick up compost. It's such a great service, but I never realized existed until now

  5. Seth Kellas
    Seth Kellas says:

    Hey Mike, fellow primary cook and father of tiny people here. Would love to see any of your takes on baby led weaning that you've put into practice.
    We're just starting with our 6 month old and are basically just giving her large chunks of raw veg to start with. Any tips/tricks and how you've worked that into your family's meals would be amazing to see!

  6. Anastasia Lehman
    Anastasia Lehman says:

    With small children, I find ingredient prep key to being able to feed them quickly and nutritiously. I'd make a double batch of steel cut oats in the instant pot once every week (or 2) and have some in the fridge as well as freeze individual portions. Roasted veggies and a fun pasta as finger food were staples, and then I'd sous vide a protein while I took the kids out, so I knew it'd be perfectly done and ready to sear/cool when I returned. no overcooking the protein because one kid coshes another in the head with a metal truck during that crucial window.
    I'd also keep some more involved meals deconstructed for them. they could try bites of mine, and if they liked it, I'd quickly toss together another portion for me as they finished mine. If they didn't like it, they still had most of the deconstructed components on their plates, which they happily ate.

  7. Fire Fux
    Fire Fux says:

    "Showing up day after day, putting in that work."

    Me: "I'm just here so I don't get fined. Hey you wanna ask me why I'm here?….. I'm just here so I won't get fined. Next question. ….. I'm just here so I won't get fined."

  8. Luke Philpot
    Luke Philpot says:

    Surprised you don't bulk cook, but I guess there is less challenge in that. I use a 15L stock pot. Cooks a 30 meal curry in one go. Freeze it in portions, and use that as a buffer between meals I cook fres, and for lunches.

  9. Pumpkin
    Pumpkin says:

    Watching you with your 7 day meal prep challenge brings me back to the memories of MY childhood when my mother cooked (and cleaned up after) every meal for 9 of us. Even though I have raised 3 of my own, your video brought brought clarity to what had to have been a monumental task for her. And that was just 1 task in her day. Phew!!!

  10. Garlic Girl
    Garlic Girl says:

    What women have endured for years. Nice that you share in that! 😄 I think it is so much better to ensure that tiresome duty. FF causes so many health issues. Keep it up! We and your family appreciate it 😊❤️.

  11. Bree Martzke
    Bree Martzke says:

    Would love to see more details about the BLW/kid food adaptations! I've got a food-loving 7 month old, but I often struggle with the logistics of adapting what we're already eating to be more baby-friendly.

  12. Anne Ko
    Anne Ko says:

    Just an FYI with kids and food. I would suggest feeding them the food you eat to ensure you don’t have picky eaters who only eat a small amount of food. I feed my (now 20 month) old, everything we eat when we go out or at home. She doesn’t always eat it but she is exposed to it and see’s us eating it

  13. Sam Malik
    Sam Malik says:

    that daal needed some oil heated up in a frying and add in a diced onion few sliced up cloves of garlic and a teapsoon of cumin seeds fry that till its dark brown and pour over the daal while its still in pan add some butter in for love.. takes the daal to a whole new level

  14. Sam Billingsley
    Sam Billingsley says:

    Would be pretty neat if you told us the amount of time you spent during the week cooking. We all strive to cook from scratch 100% of the time.

    To that idea, would be another interesting idea how long it takes cooking 100% everything from scratch during the week in comparison to having these prepped items to huck in and how much faster it is to have this stuff on hand to speed up and ramp up your meals.


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