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Infertility is an unfair journey so many of us walk through. But there are some days where it just feels straight up embarrassing.

33 replies
  1. Dawnmarie
    Dawnmarie says:

    My dear friend, ♥️ do not be embarrassed to still hold hope in your heart. God blesses us all the time and when we least expect it. I'm dealing with infertility at 37, I'm recently engaged and I don't know if I'll ever get to know motherhood. At least naturally. But I just had bariatric surgery to help with health and praying for my miracle. My mom had me at 42 in menopause after 20 yrs of infertility, my father was 50. So I'll keep praying for all of us!! Bless you Alex and the rest of your family.

  2. fiona scheibel
    fiona scheibel says:

    Life is easier where i live. Grab a carton of UHT milk. Pour it in the instant pot. Chuck in a couple of spoons of the last yogurt i made. Give it a whisk and push the yogurt button. Walk away and 8 hours later yogurt is made.

  3. misty knights
    misty knights says:

    don't be embarrassed I took hundreds and hundreds a pregnancy test when I could get pregnant so don't feel embarrassed it's good to have hope you never know one day it may happen the natural way things always happen when you least expect it You need to buy the one that has the word on it the your brain can trick you thinking you see line when there might not be one and your brain can trick you when there is a line and don't want you to think you got a line brain is a miracle thing I have Tummy's troubles too and don't know how to fix all I know is I drink lactose in milk I can't eat mayonnaise there certain foods that makes me really tummy trouble so I will pray for u and get it fixed or a help to it

  4. elizabeth setterlund
    elizabeth setterlund says:

    Nothing to be ashamed about. I had a lot of things happen in my younger years and having children was a hard road, 8 pregnancies I had. I ended up with 3 healthy children, one live birth of my son who past away hours later, one later miscarriages(4 months along) 3 early miscarriages. Many issues in pregnancy.. What is hard for me now… is guilt because all my children are married and having families has been really hard for them ( like really hard). But I do know God opens and closes the womb. He takes away our shame and you are not alone . The tests can be faulty and so it’s ok to think twice.🙏🏼❤️

  5. Brandi Williams
    Brandi Williams says:

    There is no need to feel embarrassed. The human body can do crazy things. All things are possible through God!

    Alex, I don't struggle with infertility, but I have followed your story for years. I pray for you. I think I am following you because you are inspirational and encouraging and proof of God's love!

  6. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    This might sound strange but I think you seeing that line was the world trying to give you a little hope💕 please do not feel embarrassed we love you and your family and are here to support you growing your family🥰

  7. SarahMarie IVFMommy
    SarahMarie IVFMommy says:

    I gotta say it feels like gods telling you to keep the hope. You weren’t expecting to see a line and then you did. Hang in there. God brings so much hope. Our first two were IVF then we got pregnant with our 3rd. I was beyond shocked. Then my endometriosis got insane and we can’t get pregnant anymore.

  8. Bee
    Bee says:

    I can't tell you how many shadows of lines I have seen and as a result have "gotten my hopes up". And I can absolutely relate to the feelings of embarrassment, even if I haven't told a soul about it. That internal, gut-wrenching feeling of having the audacity to have any hope, even just a tiny glimmer, and then just feeling stupid… Infertility is so emotionally uncomfortable in so many ways, it's alienating, it almost makes you feel crazy for having any hope at all. Thank you so much for sharing. Your bravery and authenticity in sharing your experiences with infertility makes so many of us feel less alone.

  9. Renee H
    Renee H says:

    I kid you not… I’ve been struggling with this exact same emotion… feeling foolish… try to have faith and speak life but then… I feel foolish when I grab a test and it’s not positive or there is a false line.. how could I be so foolish to think it could be positive..I haven’t had a period since over a year… I have always taken fertility meds to even get pregnant… Having 5 pregnancy but only one surviving… My desire is to have just ONE more so my son can have an earthly sibling.. but… I don’t have any fight left.. it will literally take a miracle!!!

  10. Amy Kmitt
    Amy Kmitt says:

    Please don’t be embarrassed Alex this is not an embarrassment. You have struggled and any faint line is going to be a faint line turning into a dark line do not be embarrassed. We’re all here behind you.

  11. Katy Denman
    Katy Denman says:

    I have had a super faint line .. I thought it away not thinking a thing I took another test about a couple days later it was the same thing went to the Dr a week later and I was pregnant. I have a hard time with pregnancy test because I have PCOS . But I have been blessed with 7 beautiful babies natural. I was recently told I can't have anymore more baby because I had a traumatic birth with my last I lost a part of my uterus and it fall out when I had my son . Long story short Dr will not help me and I'm in none stop pain . Im sorry 😔 you have fertility issues I know the pain .

  12. andreina2020
    andreina2020 says:

    Ive seen false positives many times I absolutely know your struggle my friend I provably should know too but when u see something i mean. Everyone getting pregnant naturally after their first ivf baby but me. But you know what? God has amazing plans for us 💕 n His time is not our time.

  13. Christy Cottles
    Christy Cottles says:

    You should never feel embarrassed. Your doing what is right for you. Your checking things out before exrays. Your being safe and hopefull all at once. Keep doing what’s right for you and don’t share if you don’t want to. You had a miracle pregnancy and God willing you can again if It’s His will. There may be a little one who needs a great loving family. Keep your heart ready for God’s will. God bless you.

  14. Amy Peterson
    Amy Peterson says:

    My babies (19,19 & 14) are only here because of God and IVF with ICSI. I've been married for 26 years, and I still have that hope for a miracle. And the thought in the back of my mind EVERY SINGLE TIME I'm even a day late on my cycle, is that maybe I could be pregnant. Even now, at 45 I still have those thoughts. Infertility is so incredibly hard! Hugs for you and your journey. I truly understand how you're feeling. I love you and your courage to share such a personal part of you.


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