I Broke My 85 Day No-Dairy Carnivore Challenge // RAW Dairy on Carnivore Diet?

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TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Welcome back, SBFAM! 0:56 Where do I get my raw dairy? 1:16 Visiting Meadowwood Raw Dairy Farm! 2:38 My Favorite Raw Dairy …

47 replies
  1. Jim Guiles
    Jim Guiles says:

    I would love raw egg nog. Wonder of it's available. I like regular goat cheese. I find it tames down with an equal amound of mascarpone. The only dairy I eat is cheese / goat cheese. I need to look in my local Sprout's and see if they have raw milk and cheese.

  2. Paul G68
    Paul G68 says:

    This milk will be non homogenized. This is why shaking is important – you're dispersing the fat content throughout the milk. You shouldn't underestimate the benefit of non homogenization. Homogenization denatures the fat, this is something you really don't want.
    For those of you worried about the safety of raw milk, I've been drinking it for nearly 10 years and NEVER EVER had anything but an extremely excellent product with the best health results. I actually like to get raw milk (always as fat as I can get it) and put in some extra raw cream. The best raw milk product? By far, hands down, its homemade raw milk kefir. The health benefits are ridiculous. Get your kefir (double fermented of course) and mix in some strawberries and/or blackberries with some monk fruit. You stick it in the freezer for 1-1.5 hours. You want it to thicken, not freeze totally. You can also add a little raw cream in the mix. Incredible.

  3. Marilyn Jones
    Marilyn Jones says:

    research undertaken by a team of Swedish scientists shows a link between milk consumption with increased mortality, bone fractures and osteoporosis. In women over 20 years, drinking more than 200g of milk daily (less than one glass) was linked to increased mortality.Dec 31, 2018 ???
    A Swedish study suggests that while milk may be good, more is not better. This study found that too much milk – three or more glasses a day – was not only associated with mortality but also an increased risk of fracture and hip fracture.Jan 14, 2021 ??? Thoughts ???
    Previous research has shown that the calcium in milk can help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. These benefits to bone health have led U.S. health officials to recommend milk as part of a healthy diet.Oct 29, 2014
    Which is it ????

    JARRET MATTA says:

    To optimize, you'd want to have the raw dairy in glass containers and not plastic.


    Bc the phthalate, bpa, and xenoestrogenic chemicals leach into the liquid and then you consume it.

    This negates some of the positives. Just some information to help you out.

  5. Sam Sam
    Sam Sam says:

    I was OK initially with raw milk but then autoimmune symptoms started creaping back, Asians struggle with A1 dairy. Once I'm better ill try raw goat milk, A2.

  6. Papa F Jose
    Papa F Jose says:

    Regarding the raw cream she bought & drink:
    1. It is not "HEAVY" cream, but either regular or light cream labeled "raw cream."
    2. Raw cream comes in different levels/grades.
    From heavy at the very top, to light as you get to the milk. Most cream sold is light & regular cream, unless labeled "heavy cream." And then some labeled "heavy cream" that are not raw have fillers to make them "heavy."
    3. Most farmers that make butter , keep the very top reach cream for their use and sell the rest.
    I buy my cream when I want it really raw and really grassfed from Amish farm's "Amos Miller Farm" thru food club.
    They have all kinds of milk (Camel, sheep, goat, etc including A2 milk) and sell raw heavy and light creams

  7. Papa F Jose
    Papa F Jose says:

    Asians being lactose intolerant nothing to do with the milk being pasteurized or not.
    I grew up in a farm in "La Tourraine" milking cows, making butter & cheese with Raw milk.
    I drunk raw whole milk and threw up my breakfast soon after every morning.
    I have no problem with butter or cream. Just milk… (raw, pasteurized, or else) unless it is camel or sheep milk.
    FYI, it is no different from people who can eat white wheat bread, but not whole wheat bread, or no wheat…
    The above comes from someone who was eating "carnivore" at 5 years…

  8. Karen Miles
    Karen Miles says:

    The Chipmunks did a voice over in this video!! My friend's sister is a dairy farmer. I'm trying to get her to get me some raw milk! I'm not even a milk fan but I want to try it!

  9. Hannah Willette
    Hannah Willette says:

    This is off the topic but do you have a protein limit before your body starts to bloat? I am eating the same food on carnivore but switched from 80:20 to 70:30 and that added 40 grams more protein in my day. I feel off and bloated. Is there a transition period?

    Esther FERNANDEZ GALAN says:

    Is a great idea to make these videos where you go to the farm and show that animals are raised in good conditions and not only in cages. Thank you for the work you are doing to prove that eating fish, meat and eggs is not an evil act as vegans want us to believe

  11. Salina Rubio
    Salina Rubio says:

    I thought I was lactose intolerant for years. Anytime I tried milk from the grocery store it would not go well at all. Then, I found a source for raw milk and cheese. Game changer. It doesn’t bother me at all. And it taste amazing.. you can’t compare pasteurized milk to raw milk. They are two different food items completely

  12. Sharon Holmes
    Sharon Holmes says:

    @Steak and Butter Gal: You were wondering what the vegetarian enzyme in the cheese was all about, I have the answer. As a cattle rancher's daughter, I can tell you, that in most cheeses, a natural enzyme called Rennin or Rennet is used to curdle milk. Rennin or Rennet is obtained from unweaned calves after they are slaughtered for their meat (veal). Rennin comes from the fourth stomach in calves -cattle have four stomachs. Rennin helps the calf digest milk in order to absorb the milk's nutrition. I had never vegetarian enzymes, so I to do some research to understand the concept of vegetarian enzymes. In order to make the cheese Vegetarian, a rennet derived from plants or microbial rennet is available. These rennets are either vegetable-based (made from plants such as figs, nettles, and thistles), microbial (produced using molds and fungi sources), or made using genetically modified rennet which may be based on rennin from baby calves, however, the modified rennin no longer is "bovine" in its makeup.

  13. Jen S
    Jen S says:

    I’d love to know what is best next to raw dairy because I live in Alaska and there is NO raw dairy ANYWHERE. I live far away from everything. All we have here is. Fred Meyer (Kroger) and a Safeway. No farms sell raw dairy. The closest dairy farm to me is 200 miles away. They can sell their local dairy in the grocery stores but it’s not raw.

  14. Marcinmd1
    Marcinmd1 says:

    The raw cream I get is very thick and pours slow. Try a different source.
    Many Weston Price Chapters have information about how to source healthy food and real milk.


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