I Bought the Most Expensive Instant Pot on Amazon – Is It Worth it?

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Get our Easy Freezer Meals Guide HERE: https://freezermeals.sixsistersstuff.com/ Want to look more into the IP Ultra? Find it here: …

24 replies
  1. Jeanne M
    Jeanne M says:

    I have the original Ultra and love it…I never have to worry about flipping the switch to seal, it's automatic. I have a favor to ask tho…could you please consider eliminating the pounding background music? I am hard of hearing and the music interferes with hearing you speak. I know I can turn on closed caption but it's hard to read AND watch what you're doing at the same time. Thank you. Happy Mother's Day.

  2. LJVD58
    LJVD58 says:

    After having back surgery I purchased a 6qt duo. What a lifesaver! Have another surgery coming up so happy to have it. Have made lots of your recipes ,purchased your book.

  3. Sandra Imboden
    Sandra Imboden says:

    Maybe using some of those boy names you have saved up would bring you some luck in the boy Dept. However, will all you ladies to spoil him he would be a tad spoiled I fear. As for comparison, I am happy with the under priced one too. How did I live without it until pandemic hit!?

  4. you166mhz
    you166mhz says:

    umm … (thinking about the diff) …
    but this week goal on using the IP —- the sure thing 100% guarantee fool proof quick and easy — boil eggs …
    it's the only thing I use the IP for … I don't want to waste my food – until I learn some more …

  5. Tolanda Robison
    Tolanda Robison says:

    I often wonder if the more fancy IP's did better I have an 8 quart duo I love it. Just did asian inspired chicken soup, chicken thighs cooked for 23 min. Added baby bok choy bamboo shoot water chestnut onion garlic ginger a bit of carrots rice vinegar and soy delicious

  6. Robin Carley
    Robin Carley says:

    Thanks for the side by side comparison, I’m still totally satisfied with my original IP purchase and love using it now, especially with your inspiration!

  7. Lucinda Jackson
    Lucinda Jackson says:

    Three months old! Already ? She is so gorgeous and unmistakably yours – she already looks like her beautiful sisters!

    I love the look of the Ultra and have to admit it looks faster and simpler to use. On the other hand, I, too, will stick to my Duo and for the same reason as most. I can’t justify to myself spending the money so long as my Duo is working perfectly well. Now it if were to die, then maybe…

    Thanks for showing us that it works quite well so that part of the decision equation is settled. 🥰

    Happy Mother’s Day, Kristen!

  8. Judith Brummett
    Judith Brummett says:

    I bought the IP Duo Evo a while back and Amazon didn't have the 6 qt in stock so I got the 8. LOVE!!!! it except it is too big… we camp for the winters in AZ and its hard to haul that thing around and pull it out from the dark cave of death (furthest part of triangle shaped cabinet lol) so I will now be looking for a smaller version maybe just a very plain jane generic one BUT! I have to say that I love not having to remember setting it to pressure and the pot doesn't spin as well as it having the lit rests slots in the Evo. Pros and cons to all but like i said just too big for us.

  9. Rebecca Thomas
    Rebecca Thomas says:

    I used my Instant Pot like 4 times last week! 😂 It was just one of those weeks where I did not feel like cooking at all, and it was just so easy. I have a Duo Evo Plus.


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