“I Bought The Hotel To SING!” | Hotel Hell

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That’s one way to get into debt. Season 2, Episode 1 Ramsay arrives at the hotel and is immediately put off by the beige color …

29 replies
  1. @satiashaw1857
    @satiashaw1857 says:

    The owner has her issues, but that general manager bad-mouthing her so badly to new people and then being absolutely shocked he was fired, wow! Your general manager is supposed to help you succeed. He claims he's a fall guy? While he's fully admitting the crap he does and says? Good riddance to bad garbage. The owner needs to wake up and make some changes, but she also needs people who are going to work with her and fight for her as well as challenge her. That's the job of a general manager, and he just sucked at it.

  2. @dialatedxpupilzx
    @dialatedxpupilzx says:

    Phillip is SUCH a distasteful person…And not just because of the drinking. And so is his gf. Hear me out…Everything about him and the way they behaved in front of staff was shameful and pitiful. They literally owe the lifestyle and everything they currently have going for them, to a hard working lady who's no longer here….and THIS is how they thank her and show respect for her? Especially him, hes just let it go to shit, while he plays house with the GM. And they trash the hotels good name and rep she worked so hard for. I mean, ew. That's not just a business issue, thats a personal issue.

    I will say, she (the gm/the Gf) played the "woe is me" card very well. And i do think she genuinely wants him to get sober. However, she was also helping him keep his DUI from Gordon. AND in the beginning, before Gordon called them both out on how they ran the place and treated/paid their staff, she was just as bad as Phillip, behavior wise. Minus the drinking ofc… After all, she was the one in the kitchen saying how glad she was that Gordon hated all the crappy food, because she wanted him to "see it all". AKA see how piss poor all of the staff was and the chef was. Right in front of the chef etc…When she knew alllll along that it was HER and her douche bf that were the problem.

    Least we forget the General freaking manager knowingly left her nasty, ancient, bodily fluids all on those used nasty mattresses before ordering her staff to put them in the hotel, for strangers to then sleep on too! 🤮Dirty b*tches, both of em.

    What Gordon was able to do with them two and that historic building was truly amazing…But Phillip and his gf are shitty on the inside, and no chef can fix that for them. Hopefully him getting sober will somehow magically cure the both of their rancid , mean, miser ways. But im doubtful

  3. @nanarana4646
    @nanarana4646 says:

    Philip is straight up evil, always blaming his staff, flexing his money when he’s paying his staff like shit, he’s probably waiting for Ginger to die so he can get inheritance from her too💀💀💀

  4. @Kalaashn1kov
    @Kalaashn1kov says:

    @gordonramsay you def need to visit Pure Bliss in Bellingham, WA for the best slice of cake you've ever had in your life or I will literally eat my own foot! It's so great! If you try their salted caramel vanilla cake you will weep that you don't have more time on this earth to eat more of this cake! I don't work there, but I got a slice today and it's making me question if this amazing flavor is illegal 😂

  5. @kirkslayden834
    @kirkslayden834 says:

    The poor old lady is delusional and she should go home and stay there and let a manager run that place and hire a good chef and good people to run that business instead of that old woman running it down the drain


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