I Ate Meat Only for 8 Months… Here’s What Happened..

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I ate only meat doing the Carnivore Diet, this is how things have gone… To see my bloodwork and before/after photos go to: …

25 replies
  1. Move to Knoxville with Dawn
    Move to Knoxville with Dawn says:

    I love that this video came into my news feed. I am 47 and actually had never struggled with weight until post menopause. I was always eating โ€ฆ the snack girl, but menopause changed everything and my old ways no longer worked. have significantly upped my protein and while Iโ€™ve lost some, the biggest difference is the satiety. I often skip a meal because Iโ€™m just not hungry after eating 3 eggs & 2 pieces of bacon for breakfast. We have totally been lied to! Your progress is amazing and your story is inspiring! Thank you for showing up here and being REAL!

  2. Hiliary Styer
    Hiliary Styer says:

    Our medical establishment has lied to us for many many years! The medical education system has been high jacked by corrupt pharmaceutical companies. You look fabulous and I have read nothing but good things with this type of lifestyle โค

  3. MMM
    MMM says:

    Please consult real dr and scientists rather than pseudoscience. Most people do not eat right on anyโ€dietโ€ and fail because they are lazy

  4. The Maine Divers Channel
    The Maine Divers Channel says:

    Honestly glad you did not pass away from your bad eating/diet. You seem to be an amazingly intelligent and beautiful woman (inside and out) that has so much strength and positivity to share with others in this unforgiving, harsh world in which we live in.

  5. angelofheaven112233
    angelofheaven112233 says:

    Sounds like the old atkins diet from the 80's, you have to be careful with this diet as it can give you really bad breath. Good luck. you are looking really well compared to your photo.
    I hope this change is making you feel happier x

  6. Deborah C.
    Deborah C. says:

    You go girl. Whatever works for you might not work for others but I know several people that are on the "Carnivore Diet." One was 375 pounds and the other was well over 500 pounds the last time he was weighed. It's working for them where other diets failed them.

  7. OBIOsim
    OBIOsim says:

    Just found your channel in my suggested video list. Two compliments: Your skin is amazing. Smooth, glowing, radiant. From your before pic to see you in this video, the improvement in your skin surely reflects the great improvement in your overall health. Your eyes are so much brighter and clearer, the whites of your eyes are so clean and pure….like fresh virgin snow or a dove's wings. Wow….those two changes just jumped out at me. The weight loss, the reversal of your Type-2 and Depression…also great…but the changes in your skin and eyes just struck me so hard. I am transitioning to Carnivore and looking forward to seeing how it works for me. I am nearly 54, 75 pounds over my comfortable weight, have sleep apnea, snore like a drunken bear, depressed. Your video gives me more motivation to take the leap and become a Carnivore….should be easy as I don't like veggies all that much….but Dr. Pepper and other sugars will be my main struggle.

  8. Mary-anne
    Mary-anne says:

    I think the mental health issues are just as critical in resolving. People don't realise how much difference eating carnivore may be able to resolve their anxiety, depression and more!
    You seem so happy and your skin tells a big story about how much healthier you are now!


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