I AM SHOCKED at this weeks weigh in

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Hello ♥️ Thank you for watching x Please subscribe to my channel here @FayeJay x My instagram is fayejay202 if you fancy …

47 replies
  1. Lynne Sadler
    Lynne Sadler says:

    Well done Faye, yeah it’s very hard to lose the weight but far easier to put it on! I’ve gone from 104kg down to 85kg, but now I’ve hit the wall lol, let’s hope we both can keep losing the weight. WELL DONE, do you find that air fryer is helping with cooking the food. X

  2. Viv Matz
    Viv Matz says:

    So proud chick excellent,keep bloody going I believe in you I've done it at your age patient you must be.
    You will do it I know from one warrior to anotherxxxxxxx luv ya

  3. luby lou
    luby lou says:

    Aww I've been struggling for years with weight I went on a weightloss journey almost 2 years ago and been pregnant inbetween now 5 months postpartum we're both at the exact same point I'm also 14.13 aswell ❤️❤️ I was just over 19 and half stone at my biggest xxx

  4. Barbara B
    Barbara B says:

    Congratulations! It's a milestone so be proud. Remember if you slip back it's frustrating but it's not the end of the world. Dinners looked delish. The furry boys were looking good too.

  5. Emma SW at home
    Emma SW at home says:

    Brilliant well done faye, just think you prob 14.12 before you had the 2 coffees. We all struggle at times, you're not alone!! I stayed they same this week, bloody time of the month I always put on 2 or 3 lbs, so suppose I should be happy with staying the same, hopefully next week it will show 🤞🤞 xx

  6. Sarah Barker
    Sarah Barker says:

    Congratulations Faye I’m so happy for you. You are doing amazingly!
    The sea sounds and your lovely doggies enjoying themselves is adorable. Would love to live nearby the sea at some point. 💙💛


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