Huge Mistakes Everyone Makes With Oatmeal

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Oftentimes, a bowl of oatmeal sounds great, but you end up disappointed once you actually make it. When done right, it can be …

33 replies
  1. Steve Woodland
    Steve Woodland says:

    My family are scottish..we have been raised in oatmeal for many generations..some of the oldies prefer to make it with salt & water..I’ve made mine with only milk for over 20 years..this is the way I like it..this is the way I will continue to do it..I couldn’t give a toss what so called experts or chefs say !

  2. Alan Deli
    Alan Deli says:

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
    When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Mark 2:17)
    For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. (2 Corinthians 7:10)
    I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5)

  3. Nirmal Shah
    Nirmal Shah says:

    These are unwanted 'tips' for weak people. No such thing as undercooked, overcooked, unsoaked oats. Not to mention, the amount of sugar you suggested by adding nonsense for 'flavour' is quite high. I'll share my recipe:

    1. 50gm oats
    2. 1 teaspoon honey
    3. 2 pinch of cinnamon powder
    4. 13gm of peanut powder
    5. 1/2 banana
    6. 1 basil leaf

    That's it!

  4. Optaunix
    Optaunix says:

    "It's hard to beat a bowl of Quaker Oatmeal." They proudly proclaim on the tube.

    Likewise, Smart Pop says that we all crave sharp cheddar at some Fun Duh Mental level.

    Butts Seriously Peeps, ya'll ever try to swing a stick into a puddle of oatmeal? That stuff sticks to the rib, making it much more difficult to beat the horse dead.

  5. Radek Zielinski
    Radek Zielinski says:

    i never thought damn oats are that hard to cook. I don't cook em. add some sugar or honey so they actually will feed me with some energy, and that's it… milk. i don't care about creamy weid texture or to waste gas to cook em. Why? they tase nice, and i like glue like constancy… why all the fuss?

  6. Julian
    Julian says:

    Start your oatmeal with water and oats (so that you don't burn the milk), add a pinch of salt. Heat the water and cook the oats. Add (brown) sugar, butter, and a splash of half and half creamer. done. People make this too complicated.


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