How Tofu is Made: Let’s visit the tofu factory!

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I read the most ridiculous thing about non-dairy milk the other day—how it’s all just a bunch chemicals and therefore so unhealthy …

36 replies
  1. Kimi bell–zhong
    Kimi bell–zhong says:

    please dont claim this to be Korean, grinding tofu is a very common practise across all east Asia, it’s originated in China and spread to all places including Japan and south east Asia with Chinese and other East Asian immigrants.

  2. Carpe Collum
    Carpe Collum says:

    That looks like cheese and I just want to take a big ole bite of it. I’d probably get a very upset tummy but I’d do it at least once for the experience

  3. SuperLady007
    SuperLady007 says:

    That sounds heavenly!! I’m so happy for you but also envious, as I wouldn’t want you denied joy, I’d just like to also participate in such diversions!!

  4. insert name
    insert name says:

    Im brazilian and i really wanna try tofu!!! The texture looks like milk curd wich i love so i thing i'll like it, i just need to figure out where to buy it since i live in a small town


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