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In this video Cris shows y’all how to save and organize recipes in your won free recipe box on! Time Stamps: 2:49 How To Register 5:20 …

7 replies
  1. Larissa.A
    Larissa.A says:

    Love, Luv, Love It. Thank you so much!!!!! I've been adding recipes, playing with the shopping list, but now everything makes since. Couldn't wait for you lady's get back from P.S. my phone screen does not let me access all Collections feature, but my Tablet workes fine. Once again thank you & your family.😊🍝🌮👍👩‍🍳

  2. Stacey H
    Stacey H says:

    Looks like a pretty straight forward and easy to navigate site, I'll check it out! I can't believe I haven't done it till now. It looks like a really helpful site to put together meal plans. Love that

  3. Kim Honeycutt
    Kim Honeycutt says:

    Oh, and I thank you for the Time Stamps making it easy to go back and rewatch the part of the video about Organizing. I know you have poured your heart and soul (and countless hours) into this and I for one truly appreciate you!! You're AWESOME!! ❤

  4. Kim Honeycutt
    Kim Honeycutt says:

    I have been saving recipes for a while now and didn't know how to organize them. THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US HOW TO DO IT!!! I know what I'm going to have fun with today!!! I was dragging a recipe up and dropping them in categories. This is exactly what I needed!! I Love you guys and the Crock Posse!❤👍🔔


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