How to Start a Prepper Pantry/ Easy Method to Stock Up Meals

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Stocking up a pantry can be overwhelming. Use this easy method to know what to buy. None of us know the future, but we do know it is wise to be prepared for …

22 replies
  1. Marcy Eaglecloud
    Marcy Eaglecloud says:

    I have traditional Pemican using my great great gma's receipe, guaranteed to last for 20yrs.
    We smoke salmon, can salmon. We dry berries and always have fresh potatoes year round by keeping them underground in a dirt cellar with apples, garlic and carrots.
    I make homemade corn tortillas. I cryovac flour, maseca, baking powder,baking soda, salt and raw sugar peloncio. I freeze dry corn, berries, apricots, peaches the Native traditional way.

  2. Sidney Baudier
    Sidney Baudier says:

    Ida has just past over us – I don't consider this to be a desaster sence every one was fore warned it was coming – it was like the prophets fore warning the Jews of pending events of those times
    The word say my people perish from the lack of knowledge – when the powers out and it's hot, many of those that didn't leave, will die of heat strokes
    After Katrina many died of heat strokes or heart attacks – many had the means to leave but stsyed
    In the 90s there was a heat wave up north and 800 people died of heat strokes that didn't make it to the hospital in time
    There is another storm brewing down south that has a 95% chance of hitting us in 7-10 days as a cat 4
    Many will loose power a second time – the track will be a slightly east of this last storm there saying
    After New Orleans was pumped out and they were retrieving body's out of houses, many of those body's were found at higher levels than were the water rose up to
    In all probability they died of heat strokes or heart attacks –
    For those who are following the information coming out of think tanks – if we have a catastrophic grid failure they estmate 99% will die in a year ( that includes prepper's) I thought that was interesting
    The word talks about those with understanding – we live in a culture of intertainment and pleasure – living were I live food is the number one pleasure in our lives
    What were going thru down here won't last long – were I'm at the power is off – people are just going swimming in all the rivers and ponds when it's hot – the heat index is 101-105 that's not bad for down here till the AC doesn't work lol, like now when the grid is down – In the city's there hurting
    In the end you will have to choose – do you want to live to eat, or do you want to, eat to live
    In 1350s, 5 out of 8 died in Europe of plagues, they lived to eat – so 50 million out of 83 million died in a 3 yr period
    At the same time in England they ate to live – 1 out of 70 died of the plagues or it was 70 thousand out of 70 million died of the plague ( primarily city dwellers)
    The think tanks have compiled the historical data of 4000 yrs of plagues – so they have a good idea of the out comes of events
    Living in homes with central heating and cooling – you can get away with a lot – but if there is a catestrophic grid failure – your own body will call you to account, on what you were feeding it
    Were in the same weather pattern of the mid 1300s I know some of you are following this – Eastern sea board farmers had to much rain & are loosing there harvest to mold the western farmers are loosing there crops to drought
    In all they estmate a 70% grain short fall this yr for the U.S. –
    Most are looking at the structure damage Ida did to the grid, also property damage
    presently it's dumping billions of gallons of water east ward – that will cause catestraphic crop failures – sence it's been a very wet season already
    There reporting on two mile gas lines at open gas stations – yet nothing is reported on the rain fall on crop land
    As lda continues on
    Many complain what the English ate was to bland during the plague was just to bland – most don't know this but many sea foods are very bland – shrimp has no flavor and is bland – down here they like the texture of the meat so they season it so it does have a good flavor
    The art of cooking is in the seasoning and knowing how much heat and time to apply to it while cooking it
    I've seen cooks make delicious 300 gallon pots of jumbalia & gumbo at a time for festivals down here – I've known many of the well known cooks –
    I can't say much because I don't want to give way to the trade secrets of the industry – except for the fact that that every thing is seasoning and texture when it comes to food
    Jumblia is basically beans and rice plus what ever else you throw into the pot – gumbo is basically rice and what ever else is thrown in – in the end it's delicious because of the seasoning – 1200 gallons is about 8000 servings and they always sold out as fast as it could be cooked in those three, three hundred gallon pots

  3. Jessica Stine Music
    Jessica Stine Music says:

    Hi Sandy! So many good points.
    Applicaiting my experience of food shortage 15 years ago, there are some foods I never want to be without again!
    1. Butter
    2. Beef and chicken
    3. Bones for broth, so so critical!

    So I bought a cow that's living on my friends land that will be processed in November and am making a bulk order of butter very soon!
    I have chickens so I feel adequately prepared there. Keep the video coming, sister! You're doing great!

  4. R M Robinson
    R M Robinson says:

    When you cook the red beans, save some and mash them up and make retried beans, add to your tacos. Also a little taco seasoning in plain rice makes it good with Mexican type meals. Parmesan cheese is shelf stable, pretty much. Good for adding to lots of things! Great ideas, Sandy!

  5. ray bon
    ray bon says:

    I've frozzed eggs but I'm not sure if it's good or not. but I have done it and eaten it.
    Problem once you start marching north of 45 or born prior to 75 soon born before 80.

    Your food needs to be fresher and fresher. That's why I don't like freezing food.

  6. Sidney Baudier
    Sidney Baudier says:

    With eggs if you have a food dehydrated you can mix them in a blender and dehydrate them raw or soft scrambled them and dry them – with the soft scrambled dehydrated you can grind them up in a blender into a powder and jar them – soft scrambled under low heat does not hydrate well but does maintain 90% of it's food value – raw dehydrated eggs hydrate far better than cooked dehydrated
    You can blend eggs and freeze them – it's better to put them in freezer bags in portions – then freeze them, it's so you don't have to thaw a whole batch to get a 3 egg serving
    You have to blend the eggs before freezing or the yokes will become like rubber balls after they have been frozen a week
    If you want to freeze the egg with the yoke in place – ( if you have a food saver) you will need to crack the eggs into egg tray as used in egg cookers – put the tray in a freezer – after there frozen, put them in the food saver bags and pull a vacuum on them and put them up in the freezer – doing it that way the yoke won't become rubbery and hard – but you have to put them in the food saver bag and vacuume them soon after there frozen or the yoke will oxidize
    You can purchase dehydrated eggs on line along with dehydrated butter – canned cheese can be purchased on line – many of those items are used by the the military & remote man camps sights

  7. Jennifer Cruz
    Jennifer Cruz says:

    I totally agree. Having meals is much better than just gathering food. Pasta is best stored in glass jars and will keep indefinitely if it's stored in a cool dry place. Nuts are not good for LONG term food storage because they will go rancid. Also, fruit in a can will go bad after it's expiration date because of the acid in it. The can will bulge and it will not be safe to eat. But both of those are good for short term storage as long as you rotate them. Thanks for another great video, Sandy. We pray and we prep. 🙏🏽❤️


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