How To Meal Plan for the month on a tight budget! + meal plan tips to save you money + Grocery Haul

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Want to know how to meal plan for the month while also meal planning on a budget? Let me show you HOW, and also share …

47 replies
  1. Carla Samuels
    Carla Samuels says:

    Because of food prices I just buy whatever is on sale every few days ….but to make it interesting I go by theme.each day Italian, Indian,Chinese, Mexican….so happy my sons are teenagers now & they can do their own meals on weekends …my son's don't like tuna much but a little in a grilled cheese or frittata is fine

  2. Q Q
    Q Q says:

    I dont necessarily do a protein by day, but do a weekly plan. I do one pasta meal, one meat and potato meal (my hubby loves meat and potato day lol), one quick meal, one crockpot meal, one sandwich meal, one left over meal, and one mexican night. It depends on whats happening in our life and plans that determines what day of the week any of them fall on. Its not held hard and true always, but a guide for sure. I cant do monthly meal plans, its too overwhelming for me, but I have been consistent on the weekly ones for the last several months.

  3. Simone DUTCH
    Simone DUTCH says:

    Hi Claire, with the chorizo I would make a chicken and chorizo spanish chicken with the leftover yellow pepper & mushrooms with rice. And the tins of tuna i'd make Tuna Thai fish cakes, using tuna, boiled rice, cream cheese, corriander, ginger, garlic and fry them and make a salad…! You've probably used the ingredients for other things now but hopefully you try these. I hope you are keeping well.

  4. Lindsey C
    Lindsey C says:

    Enjoyed your meal planning video Claire you've given me some inspiration 🤠. I do love to meal plan (I do it weekly). I love to sit with a cup of tea and do it, I find it relaxing 😊

  5. Sofia Black
    Sofia Black says:

    Tuna – you can make fish cakes with tinned tuna

    The baby potatoes – boil them then squash them down. Drizzle with olive oil, salt n pepper on a baking tray for 20 ish minutes. It crisps them up

    Chorizo – goes great in pasta bake, especially with chicken

    Duck – Chinese 5 spice works great with it

  6. Anni M
    Anni M says:

    Hi Clare. With the tuna you could make tuna fishcakes or tuna mayonnaise and sweetcorn to put on baked potatoes or wraps, pittas, baguettes or make tuna and cheese toasties or a tuna pasta salad.

  7. Terry Henderson
    Terry Henderson says:

    Even before the recent inflation and empty shelves, the longest I've managed to meal plan is a week; sometimes a bit into a second week to use up the left overs or incorporate a meat product into multiple meals. In part because I've used sales in the weekly circulars and also discounted items found shopping in the meal plan; along with pantry and freezer items.

  8. Maureen Williams
    Maureen Williams says:

    With the Tuna, you could make Tuna patties (fish cakes) and with the little pasta, soup or Mac cheese (you could add bacon to the Mac cheese) or cook it like you would a risotto and add cheese, bacon and some butter 🍝🍜🥓

  9. TwinkleToes
    TwinkleToes says:

    Please keep your cooked meat away from your raw meat in the fridge! You had raw bacon resing on top of open ham sitting next to a bag of raw chicken! Raw should be at the bottom of the fridge or contained so that it cannot drip or leake onto other food.

  10. Lolly S
    Lolly S says:

    Chicken, chorizo with rice Claire. Fry off the chorizo with onion and mushrooms, chuck in chicken. Add cooked rice..yum. You can also use bacon if you havnt got chicken. Great video as usual.😻❤️🙏

  11. Isabel Serrano
    Isabel Serrano says:

    Hi Claire, me again, I often cook chicken and chorizo stew don't over cook. I then add enough water to the pan to cook spaghetti in the mix of chicken. It's a one pot meal, the chorizo should be added together with the onions as this draws out the flavor you will give the spaghetti. Hero in Portugal chorizo is a staple we also add it to beef stew, chicken skewers with chorizo and peppers.

  12. Isabel Serrano
    Isabel Serrano says:

    Hi Claire, as for tuna you have everghing in your pantry, chickpeas, tuna and eggs. Boil two eggs, one tin of chickpeas drained, and a tin of tuna everything mixed together and a good drizzle of olive oil, this here in Portugal is often a starter, and often a quick lunch also. You can also season lightly as the chickpeas and tuna ready have added salt.

  13. Stephanie Giese
    Stephanie Giese says:

    I like to meal plan with theme days too. Makes things do much simpler! As for the tuna, if you don’t want to make a tuna salad, have you ever tried tuna cakes? You add breadcrumbs, an egg, and some spices and then form them into patties and fry them in a pan, just like you would a crab cake. My husband’s grandmother used to do that with tuna or canned salmon all the time.


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