How to Make VEGAN RICE PUDDING – Tutorial for Healthy, Dairy-free Rice Pudding! | OffbeatCook

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I love rice pudding, however, I am allergic to dairy so I can’t just buy it at a store. Because of that, I decided to try out a vegan way of making it with coconut milk …

27 replies
  1. Music Student B
    Music Student B says:

    This looks so orthorexic, why afraid of sugar and white sugar? It won’t make you fat, it won’t make you sick just why? God, this looks boring and not so delicious just add sugar in it please. Thai people have been eating refined sugar and rice and look how slim they are, don’t be afraid of sugar this recipe is 👎🏼 Check out durianriders videos on sugar

  2. EGORElicious
    EGORElicious says:

    Ooooo! This sounds good. I bet its healthier than with milk right? Or is it high in calories still? Lol either way I gotta try it! (Only thing I know that isn't healthy is the rice)

  3. Niki G
    Niki G says:

    Thank u! I am craving something sweet & have nothing in my quarantine cupboard except white rice almond milk & coco Lopez coconut cream. Making this rn🙂

  4. Aida Torres
    Aida Torres says:

    Rule of thumb when making any kind of sweet dessert you always put a quarter teaspoon of salt the salt brings out the sugar flavor it inhands it. It will not take the salty flavor it will taste much much better.
    Good luck dear🍚😉


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