How to Make Vegan Macaroni and Cheese

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Vegan or plant-based cooking doesn’t have to be hard. This recipe is super simple! Here’s how to make a really simple vegan …

13 replies
  1. Mary Brown
    Mary Brown says:

    Tomato Paste Rescue. Line a small plate with wax paper. Measure out 1 tablespoon and “plop” out on the wax paper. Space the “plops” around the plate. Small can of tomato paste has approximately 9 Tbsp. Place plate of “plops” in freezer. Once frozen remove from plate. Store in air tight container. Next time a recipe calls for a tablespoon or more of tomato paste use a frozen “plop”

  2. mtb_rene
    mtb_rene says:

    I'm going to try making that this weekend! Great video, because this is so simple to make. Heck, if you can make this meal one handed, then this is something anyone can do!! 🙂

  3. Dave Ross
    Dave Ross says:

    Maybe freeze the tomato paste in an ice cube tray? Each cube would probably work out to about a Tablespoon. Also try pouring milk from Tetra packs the other way around ie. spout at the top and it wont spill. Thanks for the vid!


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