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36 replies
  1. David Martinez Villegas
    David Martinez Villegas says:

    Kudos for the video content! Apologies for the intrusion, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you heard about – Parlandealey Pets Yummy Process (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is a smashing exclusive product for discovering healthy recipes for dog food minus the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my GF finally got great results with it.

  2. Kasie Cochran
    Kasie Cochran says:

    Don’t do this unless unless you have your Veterinarian approve this. I’m not a Vet so I can’t say if this is ok or not but I don’t think she or anyone in the comment section is a Licensed Veterinarian either. In the wild wolves eat meat which is the complete opposite of Vegan food so my first assumption is that this may not be the best way to feed your pet.

  3. Dont subscribe to me
    Dont subscribe to me says:

    Im a vegan and i only feed my dogs raw meat

    They only eat plants in the wild when they have too.

    And dont even talk about how they have been domesticated and can be vegan now BULLSHIT for most of history we have served our Pet dogs meat


    If you want a fucking vegan animal then get a fucking rabbit yall fucking vegans need to stop feeding carnivours fucking vegetables ight fucking starving the animals and then force them to eat vegetables and then call the animal a fucking vegan when it's made as a fucking carnivore to eat fucking MEAT

  5. Jimmy Gallardo
    Jimmy Gallardo says:

    People hating on owners who feed their dogs a vegan diet are the same people that don't take care of their own dogs. Learn to care for your own dogs before you allow your ignorance to make a fool out of you.


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