How To Make Turkey Bone Broth

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How To Make Turkey Bone Broth. How To Use A Turkey Carcass or turkey bones To Make bone broth or turkey soup! How to use …

19 replies
  1. Voon Chile
    Voon Chile says:

    The broth looks amazing. I make mine home made too. It is all frozen so some times I use a store brand but nothing like the home stuff. I am glad your camera is still working.

  2. Mary Ranch
    Mary Ranch says:

    Wish I lived close… would really like a jar of that good tasting turkey broth 👍😁. Glad the camera is still working… hopefully the turkey smell will fade in time for you…have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing your video 🦃😁👍

  3. Happy Place Camping
    Happy Place Camping says:

    Never done this. 3 days of cooking the same thing just makes me feel wore out lol. Oh my gosh did you seriously drop your camera in the broth? You crack me up so much! This is why I love watching your videos! LOL

  4. spitfire red
    spitfire red says:

    Your turkey cooked with all those juices looked so tender and juicy. I can't wait to see you drain all of this and can it. Another video from the 2 funniest people on the planet, love love you guys!


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