How to Make the Ultimate Macaroni and Cheese ⎢Martha Stewart

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Martha Stewart prepares the ultimate macaroni and cheese. Brought to you by Martha Stewart: Subscribe for more Martha now!

30 replies
  1. Sean Jenkins
    Sean Jenkins says:

    Classic example of the erasure of black history. Martha, Thomas Jefferson's slaves perfected the Mac and Cheese recipe he grew to love and became famous around the country

  2. Beth McCracken
    Beth McCracken says:

    Martha , once again you have impressed me beyond my expectations, this recipe is so similar to my grandmother’s, I definitely i’ll try the breadcrumbs, also I am loving your magazine this year I look forward to it every month.

  3. Kelly Gold
    Kelly Gold says:

    Her mom did not add cayenne. Watch Martha's other video on Mac and cheese with her mother. Her mother says she did not add cayenne and to leave it out.

  4. shihlin1
    shihlin1 says:

    The mac and cheese recipe from Patti Labelle is tastier, but you'll prob have a heart attack afterwards from the high content of fat.
    This one is the next best thing.
    I like how Martha says they test their recipes before actually taping the show, so I trust her.
    This looks delish, gotta have it with the buttered bread topping.

  5. William Fluck
    William Fluck says:

    That's really nice with the sour cream, I also feel really lucky if I have left over little potato/Hawaiian rolls to do the breadcrumbs topping. Thanks Martha for sharing this nice dish, please be safe and take care!

  6. Debra White
    Debra White says:

    I have made this recipe twice and both times got rave reviews. I had one person, who was a mac & cheese lover, that this was the best he'd ever tasted. The first time I made it with the bread crumb topping, but I really didn't think it added much to the dish, so the second time I made it, I made it without and it was delicious. Martha is so easy to follow. Love this recipe. It's a good thing.

  7. Sandra G
    Sandra G says:

    I just love Martha Stewart, she's clear, to the point, and her recipe's are easy to follow. She's not a talking parrot like most chef's on Youtube where I'd love to use the recipe, but I just can't get past all the useless chatting! That's awful when people just can't sit through a few seconds of silence, and when they don't know when to be quiet. In case you all don't know, the hardest thing in the world is knowing when to be quiet.

  8. The Big L
    The Big L says:

    This gave me a fascination with making bechamel sauces when it was introduced almost fifteen years ago and I have to say it really is the best Mac and Cheese recipe. As with most of Martha's recipes, I use considerable more salt, but the cayenne pepper and freshly graded nutmeg is what sets this apart.

  9. Nai
    Nai says:

    The world is over saturated with food channels, but I have to say, Martha’s is still the best. Her cooking is quick and easy to follow, and her stories are personable and relatable.


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