How To Make The Perfect Quesadilla

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Making an amazing homemade quesadilla is extremely easy…but having the knowledge to perfect it is far better. Breakfast taco video (includes salsa and tortilla …

35 replies
  1. The Real 33pandaGamer
    The Real 33pandaGamer says:

    How to make a low-quality quesadilla.
    step 1: grab two tortillas and put cheese between them like your making a sandwich
    step 2; put in the microwave for 30 seconds.
    Tip: if you put other things with the cheese, like meat, sour cream, and taco sauce (using the method above) you get a soggy mess masquerading as a quesadilla.

    (Fun fact: this failed attempt is what lead me to search for quesadilla-making instructions).

  2. Jackie Sheppard
    Jackie Sheppard says:

    I own a flat-top grill, and never thought about cooking a queso other than it being unfolded. Everything else was basically the same, however i prefer mine significantly spicier than yours. I mean, you are sweating once you finish it spicy.

  3. Hathor TheCow
    Hathor TheCow says:

    I wish you'd included asadero or Oaxacan cheese for dat EXTRA cheese pull. The making process for asadero is basically the same recipe as your DIY mozz so you could have done an extra tie in with very little effort and a way nicer cheese pull tasty as this looks.

    As someone physical incapable of digesting meat, I am so happy you included a vegetarian alternatives. The more people that can but choose convert, the more food options I get. This is true of many food intolerances so I'm kinda pro-trending dietary restrictions most people don't need to be restricting


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