How to make the BEST Refreshing Watermelon Juice + Secret Recipe | Views on the road aguas Frescas

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Hello & welcome, If you have ever wondered what the difference is between watermelon Agua fresca or watermelon juice, no worries because in this video I will …

40 replies
  1. That Kanpuria Guy
    That Kanpuria Guy says:

    The perfect way to ruin a watermelon, diluting it with too much ice, skimming all the nutritional pulp and then diluting it with a ton of ice once more just to make sure, it isn't nutritional at all…😒😒 Seriously ask your doc if that makes sense at all.

  2. crystallyred13
    crystallyred13 says:

    Hi, I'm such a fan thx so much for showing me so much! I have a question for you… in Cali I used to always get elotes from the lady walking around with her cart… now that I'm not in Cali I try to make myself… but I have no idea what kind of spicy Chile she puts on it.. its not tajin. .. any ideas?? Thx so much!

  3. Jamie's Life
    Jamie's Life says:

    Omg imbgonna make this I always make these for my kids Tank you so much for the tip I always forget to put ice in my vitamix so my juice comes out warm 🙃

  4. Cyndi McMurran
    Cyndi McMurran says:

    Wow!!!! That is a very red beautiful watermelon! I'm in Michigan, I can't even find one like that in late summer. Our grocery store usually uses a farm in Georgia, (I always check), and you would think that the sun would be hot enough, "nope".
    I'm very jelly!!!😀😋

  5. Elias Alvarado
    Elias Alvarado says:

    Fun fact! The yellow spot is called the “field spot,” the part of the melon that doesn’t get any sun. And since watermelons only get sweeter / mature while they’re on the vine , the bigger and deeper the yellow color , the more time it sat out in the field to get super sweet! ( takes about 80-90 ish days to mature. )
    Also, on the ends of the watermelon ( where the vines would have been) , they should be brown -ish , not green. If they’re green , that means they were picked too early and not mature yet. Fun facts from a plant/ botany nerd! 😊👨🏻‍🔬🤓🍉🌱

  6. Sidney Mathious
    Sidney Mathious says:

    Where I live here in Arkansas we had plenty of watermelons on our property when growing up and I still love them even though I am not farming any longer. The watermelon juice you made looks great and must be so tasty, Stephanie and you all was quenched after drinking it.

  7. Angelina Rohweder
    Angelina Rohweder says:

    Yum 😋 Have you made a piña agua fresca? It would be so great if you could if you haven’t already. Preggo cravings here and the store I used to by it fresh from gas stopped 😢

  8. heviutza
    heviutza says:

    I am 11 weeks pregnant now and have been craving watermelons for a month already, but watermelon season its two months away in my country! That's more than forever for my cravings! Still, here I am, torturing myself for 8 minutes straight!


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