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Takahiro Sakaeda of Nami Nori in NYC demonstrates how to make tempura, a beloved Japanese dish by way of Portugal.

46 replies
  1. @ib1ndgo263
    @ib1ndgo263 says:

    That square knife you know you too sharp lol pun intended but I LOVE THAT omg i make wild lettuce tea and turn to hammers railroad ties ..and everything in the house just to do WTH i could with that thing you got there!!?? 😭 bless you young man yeesh! thanx lol i gotta find one it has to cost no more than thirty or im back to hammers and railroad ties and …..every damn utensil in the kitchen its rough i tell ya!

  2. @LePetitNuageGris
    @LePetitNuageGris says:

    Same reason I started cooking. Haha Love that he used squash/zucchini flowers. God, I love those battered and deep fried… chips ain’t got nothing on that.

    Thanks for explaining about various things like the nasu cut. Very interesting. I always wondered if there was a specific reason for that (besides aesthetics).

  3. @noahtriumph1560
    @noahtriumph1560 says:

    He's the guy who always participate in cooking competition and sometimes as one of the judges in American cooking competition show. So he's Japanese I wonder if he knows how to make unagi from the scratch 🤭


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