How to Make Tempeh at Home from SCRATCH! | Vegan Protein

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Once you’ve had homemade tempeh you’ll never go back to store bought ever again! Tempeh is a good protein source for vegans …

25 replies
  1. Elisa F S Ninis
    Elisa F S Ninis says:

    I'm so glad that I searched for "homemade tempeh" and got to a vegan channel <3 I have no ideia why I thought it was so hard to make at home?
    I'm now setting to find a nice batch of starters! Also, I instantly subscribed.

  2. Carla Jiménez
    Carla Jiménez says:

    Hi! Thanks for the nice video. I was wondering about the temperature. We keep our house at 72 degrees. Not sure where should I place the tempeh while fermenting and for how many hrs. Can't wait to try this!

  3. Yogi. Moksha
    Yogi. Moksha says:

    Hi thanks for your video – very helpful 🙏 as we live in a cooler climate I had to place the bags in the food dehydrator without the fan to keep them warm – after 24 hours the edges were white and solid so I left it on for another 12 hours but now there is less white and less solid ? Do you think it was too warm for too long perhaps ? The bags are wet inside but it almost looks like I’m back to where I started ? Any tips ?

  4. Holistic Radiance Health Network
    Holistic Radiance Health Network says:

    I just spent like 4 hours getting all the beans split and skins out of the water. I have the bag all loaded and holes in it. My Culture for Health Starter says that I need to keep the beans at at 95-98 degrees. They say i even have to check the temperature inside the beans. What starter culture do you use? Right now I have the bag on a cookie rack on the top shelf of my stackable non-oven like inexpensive dehydrator. Like it's not enclosed, it's simply a stack of trays with a heating fan at the bottom of the stack. I have the lid off and the temperature at 100 degrees. Do you have any other ideas?

  5. misky Loo
    misky Loo says:

    Many years ago I had an Indonesian room mate, whenever she came back from Indonesia she would bring back what resembled a large ball of steamed dough which she would cut into strips and add to stir fries.. It was so yummy, any idea what this was and if you do would love to see a video on how to make it!
    Thank you!


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